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The bustling crowd was a welcomed distraction from my thoughts, even if the people that surrounded me kept giving me dirty looks every time I even glanced in their direction.

Rhysand had left me alone for the first time ever as he did his precious Amarantha's bidding of somesort, I wouldn't be surprised if he was stealing candy from a baby.

He had taken me to a number of parties since we struck our bargain but not once had he ever left me unattended. He typically stuck to my side like a lost child, trying to make ideal chit-chat while I ignored him.

The party was a larger event than usual and I wondered if it was a holiday I didn't know about, the crowd was louder and I could tell that more people had been drinking just by the way they moved on the dance floor.

It was a sorry event. The music was tragic and absolutly un-dance worthy, but I suppose these people here spent so much time listening to the boring music that for them it was the best.

I looked around the room for what had to be the millionth time that evening, this time noticing that the eyes that usually stared at me were otherwise occupied. I furrowed my brows, wondering if the lack of attention on me was deliberate or if they'd just lost interest. I hoped it was the latter, I could do without the stares that seared me everytime someone passed my way.

My eyes wandered and I looked around again, still noticing that the crowd wasn't looking at me. Somehow my gaze caught on the small side exit of the throne room where barely anyone was stationed. No guards. No guests. It was as if they wanted me to leave.

A thought wormed its way through my mind as an idea took hold, I had to hold back the smirk consciously.

Tonight was my only opening. My last chance to see my sister before her trial. I'll be damned if I didn't take it.

All I had to do was sneak out of the throne room, that would be that hardest part with all the leering eyes. After that, all I just needed to steer clear of wanderers and get back to my cell to fool Rhysand into thinking a guard had taken me back after he left me unattended.


I think.

I took an anchoring breath before I stood from my seat gracefully. I began walking to the side exit I had noticed in the times I'd been here. I acted perfectly normal, like I was just going to get a breath of fresh air for a moment.

The small side door was so close. I reached out, grabbing hte cool handle and twisting before I disappeared from the party entirely.

I closed the door quickly, the sound of the crowd's cheers and conversation becoming muffled through the walls. I wasted no time as I began walking, I tried to remember where Feyre's room was, I'd only been there once after all.

My bare feet barely made a whisper on the polished floors as I walked, looking around every corner and using my senses to feel for anyone watching me.

I had walked for nearly five minutes before the halls began to look familiar. The lights flickered as I walked and the stone looked more shiny, turning a milky white instead of a dusty gray.

I took a small step and stopped short. There was heat at my back—High Fae. I stepped quickly, hiding behind the nearest corner until I felt whoever it was leave, or at least I thought they left before the heat became almost suffocating and a hot breath resonated against the back of my neck.

"Shameful," A familiar voice whispered in my ear and I turned around slowly, already knowing who I'd see once I did.

My eyes tangled with those of violet. Rhysands dark hair shone in the candle light of the halls and the smirk he wore was positively devilish. How was it that he always had to ruin everything that might turn out to be fun for me?

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now