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I had been allowed to see my sister as a small mercy from Amarantha. The guards had escorted me to her new room, it was luxurious. The walls were near white, and the bed could fit an entire family. I wasn't jealous. I wanted my sister safe, and now she was. Whatever price I had to pay for that would be worth it.

    I had sat down on one of the small chairs as I waited, thinking about what my bargain with Amarantha might entail. I decided not to tell Feyre about it—of course, I'd have to tell her about how I got her to this room, but I wouldn't tell her about the entertainment aspect of the deal.

    The door clicked, and in came my sister. She was bruised and bloody. I shot out of my chair and immediately asked her what had happened.

    "Amarantha's goons did it after they separated us. It was a lot worse," Feyre whispered, "Lucien helped me." I nodded as a sinking feeling began in my gut. It was my fault. I'd provoked them and they'd taken it out on her. At least she'd be safe here.

    Feyre looked around at the room, "What is this place, Dani?"

    "Your room," I answered with a smile as I turned around taking in the place once more.

    Feyre raised a brow, "Where's your room?" She questioned as if she knew something was up.

    I forced a small smile, "On the other side of the mountain. They want to separate us." I lied. When I'd made the deal I said nothing about myself. Only my sister.

    Feyre gave me a face like she knew I was lying. I changed the subject immediately, "Our first trial is in a week. It's the midpoint between the Full moon and the New moon." I looked at my

sister whose face revealed nothing besides a hint of fear in her eyes, "We'll make it through, Feyre." I hugged my sister, "I promise."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

    I had been taken to my cell only minutes after Feyre had arrived at her new room. The guards had come in, taking my arm and dragging me away. Taking me down into the deep dregs of the mountain where there was no light and the wails of the hungry and injured rang for miles.

    They had shoved me once more into the cell, that time successfully knocking me to my feet. I sat down on the small bed of hay I'd been given. I wondered what our first trial would be. I wondered if we'd survive, and if we did would we even make it through the other two trials on our own.

    I watched the light that leaked through the door of my cell just barely. It was fire, coming from the torches that illuminated the corridors.

    This wasn't the lowest floor of the mountain. We'd passed a set of stairs that lead down lower into the mountain. What had been down there? I didn't think I'd ever know. And I didn't really think I wanted to.

    A shadow crossed the door and stopped at my cell. They just stood there. I stood up silently, moving swiftly to stand next to the door. I waited. The lock on the door clicked and it opened.

    Before the person had time to even take a breath as they entered, my knife was at their throat. It was foolish that no one took my daggers. Not that I was complaining.

    I analyzed the person that had intruded into my cell and immediately recognized the fool. "Lucy!" I whisper yelled, pulling the knife from his neck before he closed the cell door behind him, "What are you doing here?"

    Lucien looked around as if there might have been someone hiding in the shadows, Lucy's eyes found mine, "What were you thinking?" he yelled in return.

    I rolled my eyes, "Please, spare me the lecture. I've heard it all before." I waved him off as I turned my back to him and sat back down on my pile of hay.

    "You shouldn't be here." He shook his head as he began pacing, "do you know what you've done?"

"Messed up all your plans, but both of us in danger, blah, blah, blah." I drawled out, "can we skip the lecture? It's bad enough that I'll have to sit in this cell for three months, I'd rather not have you nagging on me the whole time.

    I closed my eyes, leaning my head against the wall. I heard Lucien open his mouth and cut him off before he could say anything more, "thank you for what you did to Feyre. For healing her."

    Lucien blew out a steadying breath as he calmed himself down, "You seem calm about all this." he observed.

    I opened my eyes, "Believe it or not this isn't the first cell I've been locked in."

    Lucien furrowed his brows, "What do you mean?"

    I waved him off again, ignoring his question. "You should go, Lucien. The next guard shift will be up soon, and he came early for the last one." Lucien still looked confused, "Unless you'd like to get caught."

    Lucien rolled his eyes and made his way for the door, but before he left he looked back and said, "Try not to get yourself killed."

    I smiled a little before he left. And I was again left alone with only the whispers of the shadows as my company.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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