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The Naga looked like they were ripped out of a nightmare. I had never seen them for myself, but I had heard the tales of them and their kind. I used to wish i'd never encounter one of their kind.

Now I was facing four.

The Naga were covered in dark scales and nothing more, they were a hideous combination of serpentine and male features. They looked as though they'd crawled their way out of hell and had been warped between worlds.

The four Naga paused across the birch clearing. I felt their eyes on me the second i had been spotted no more than fifty feet from them. I stood tall. Not allowing an ounce of the fear i felt to show. I only needed to buy Feyre time, and that is what I'd do.

"The dark mother sent us a gift today, Brothers." one of them smiled, its razor-sharp teeth gleamed in the moonlight and I felt myself shake a little. "And a meal."

"Not much to eat." another chimed in as it eyed me up and down. The grip I had on my sword tightened.

the first of the naga approached me, "What a tasty little treat." it let out a sound that very well could have been a laugh of delight. The sound was too warped to tell.

    The Naga and it's brothers began to approach me ever so slowly, as if I was a scared animal that would sprint away at any moment. Yet they wore excited grins.

They enjoyed the hunt, i realized. they wanted me to run so they could give chase and hunt me like a rabbit.

But I decided a long time ago if I was going to go down, I'd go down swinging. Not running.

And so I smirked at the shadowed figures like a feral beast as I raised my sword, "You wanna dance?" I chuckled as I ran my tongue along my teeth. The Naga paused but their expressions soon turned excited at the small challenge. I could tell they thought me a fool, a child that they wanted to you with. And i'd use it to my advantage.

"If you're going to kill me, at least have to decency to allow me a pity blow." I finished, even throwing them a small pout that definitely made me look insane.

"Of course, precious meal, please go ahead."

The smirk I had been playing on my face fell away and the mask I had donned so many times in the past took hold.

The face of a killer.

     I pushed my emotions into a deep well inside me. A fight has no place for them.

The naga seemed slightly surprised, but not so much it threw them off off balance and made them question themselves. Good. I wanted them to be confident. Those who let confidence cloud their judgment end up losing. They recovered quickly. The Naga's own smirk falling away.

It seemed to rethink its words to allow me the first blow based on whatever it saw on my face.

And so it lunged for me.

And my work began.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The Naga lunged, it's sharp claws going straight for my abdomen. I twisted forward to its right, leaving me on the Naga's exposed side. I swung my sword down. The creature screamed as it clutched the wound i had dealt it. I watched as the Naga's severed hand hit the ground and blood splattered along the grass. I spared the creature no mercy as I came to the front of it and plunged my sword straight into its heart, twisting my sword before pulling out the bloodied weapon. Blood sprayed on me. On my face. My clothes. But I didn't care.

I had shut off every good part of myself and all that was left was a ruthless killer. A beast created to kill without question. And so I did what I was taught.

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now