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Two days later I awoke to Sereh shaking my shoulder.

    "Go away," I commanded, "I'm trying to sleep." 

    Sereh scoffed as though my statement wasn't necessary— which it was, clearly, she didn't know otherwise she would have never tried to wake me up. Either that or she wants to die. "I hadn't noticed, thank you." her voice dripping with sarcasm, "Now get up unless you don't want breakfast."

    I practically whined as I said, "That's a new low for you to threaten me with food." I groaned as I tried to open my eyes but was immediately assaulted by the searing light and immediately shut them again and threw the blanket over my head to get back into the comfort of darkness, "I think I was just blinded."

    "You're being dramatic," Sereh spoke, her voice now muffled by the multitude of blankets I'd thrown over myself.

    "I'm always dramatic." I pointed out.

    "You're not wrong there."

            "I'm never wrong."

           "Sleepy Danika seems to have a bit of an ego."

           "I always had an ego, I'm just humble enough not to say anything. Sleepy me disagrees."

          Sereh laughed at me and I immediately pulled down the covers to give her a scolding look. I had opened my eyes and they took a moment to adjust to the light, I blinked many, many times.

           I finally looked over to Sereh after my eyes had finally adjusted to the new levels of light. But as I looked over at my new friend she looked...different to say the least.

          Her blonde hair seemed to reflect more of the sun, and her pale skin had literally turned to fire itself. Yet it didn't burn me.

          It had occurred to me a few times before that Sereh had been glamoured like the others, but I never thought Super special animal guy High Lord Timmy would ever lift it.

         I soon realized that Sereh was a Fire sprite—Fire Sprites were practically fire-given life. I knew the likelihood of Sereh being glamoured was high, but I'd never given much thought to the type of Faerie she was.

          I smiled at my friend, "you're a fire sprite." I stated plainly.

Sereh looked taken aback, "How do you know that?"

           I sat up in my bed slowly, "It seems the magical leash the High Lord has kept on me has finally been loosened a bit."

    Sereh's expression was one of pure shock, I honestly didn't know for which reason, there were so many.

    I let her have her moment to be shocked as I pulled back the warm blankets that I hated to leave and walked over to my closet. It always astounded me how big it was, though that awe was always short-lived based on the horridity of the clothes themselves. They were all pretty, puffy dresses fit for someone who was not me. There was a shortage of ultimately useful clothes that happened to be stuffed in the back of the closet.

    Sereh had managed to obtain trousers and tunics for me in the weeks I'd been here and I was oh, so thankful for it. I didn't mind dresses really, in fact, I found that wearing them was a bit enjoyable. But they weren't useful, you would certainly die if you were running from a demon in a floor-length dress, and I would prefer not to be put in that position in the first place.

    I took my time sauntering over to the back of the closet and picking out a navy green tunic and black trousers. Once I was done changing I exited the closet and sat down at the vanity pulling out a hairbrush.

    "No, way." Sereh said as she walked over to me, "You're absolutely rubbish at doing your hair. Hand the brush over." I rolled my eyes at her antics but did as she asked. Sereh began brushing out the knots that had entangled themselves in my hair during the night.

    "You don't seem shocked at my appearance," Sereh stated, it wasn't really a question but I answered anyway as I rolled my eyes.

    I laughed a little, "You Prythian dwellers really need to stop underestimating me. I'm not some fragile little human." I explained tilting my head at the sprite, Sereh moved her hand and gestured for me to keep my head straight so she could brush it more easily.

    Sereh set down the brush and began toying with my hair, a habit he'd also picked up; styling my hair into all sorts of elaborate styles. Though, today I asked her to do something simpler. She ended up doing a braided coronet around my head. It reminded me of Nesta who always had her hair up in a perfect coronet of her own making.

    I smiled sadly at the thought of my family, losing them had still been hard, but now I could think of them without crying my eyes out.

    I stood from the chair that faced the mirror and turned to Sereh, "Thank you." I told her, Sereh nodded at me and then practically shooed me out the door of my room.

I looked around the halls seeing practically a crowd of bustling people all doing jobs around the manor. It was very nice not having to try and sense them all the time and now just seeing them.

    I walked around the house semi-forgetting about breakfast as I mapped all the places the people that worked here frequented, the places that required the most work. I filed the information into my mind to remember the best routes out of the house that had the least people, and the places that had the most people in case of some sort of emergency.

    My job was getting so much easier.

    When was done I wandered into the dining room with an innocent smile on my face as I ate my breakfast?

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: Short chapter again! The next one will be longer, I just need to make a few things clearer and establish some more things.

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