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    "Please don't do this." I pleaded as I spared a quick glance out the window noting the rain that assaulted the window in waves. I looked back to him— his usual blonde hair seemed too dull; I didn't know if it was the weather or the hate that now laced his feature, "It's not worth it."

    He pulled up the hood of his black cloak refusing to listen as he grabbed from the row of knives placed out, "They need to be punished, Dani." he shook his head as if he was talking to a child.

    "And we'll do that. Just not tonight." I promised as I took a few more steps closer to him. He'd always been stubborn, I'd known him for years and not once had he relented on something he wanted—needed really. I knew he wouldn't listen to what I was trying to warn him off, but I needed to try. "Please. I'm begging you. Just stay."

    He scoffed at me, just barely turning his head so he was able to see me, "Don't beg, Dani. It doesn't suit you."

    My anger took over. He was one of the people I was closest to in my life. He was angry. But I wouldn't let him degrade me into some nobody who knew nothing of how the world worked, "Then I'll tell you. You're not leaving. You're being reckless, think this through."

    A familiar anger warped his features as he spoke, "You think so low of me, Danika. Do you really believe I haven't thought this through?"

    "Yes! Otherwise, you wouldn't be doing this."

    He was going to get himself killed, and I wouldn't stand for that. His biggest flaw was he thought he'd never fail. Sometimes I thought he believed himself invincible. But he wasn't. And he would realize that too if he left tonight.

    He stepped over to me as he pointed his finger, "You don't Get to do that, Danika! You're the perfect soldier! Always looking down on everyone else! But you don't get to fucking do that to me!"

    "That is not true," I said calmly as I quelled my tears.

    "Isn't it? Hmm? You were taught by the greatest warrior of all time. Yet, you always give me those stupid sob stories about your childhood. We all went through it. Grow up! No one fucking cares what you went through!"

    I laughed— a broken sound coming from a wounded place in my heart, "You're a fucking coward." tears fell freely now, I couldn't hold them back, "You have no idea what I've gone through."

    He laughed too then, "I'm the coward? I'm the coward?" He repeated stepping even closer as he whispered, "you can go to hell, Danika, you spoiled little bitch."

    He turned around his cloak raising in a phantom wind as he went, "Wait, please." I begged one last time. But he did not listen as he left through those doors and into the stormy night.

    And he did not come back.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

      The night was cold on my skin as a breeze came through the window. I breathed heavily as I tried to catch my breath. My forehead was damp with sweat as I pulled back the blankets on the bed. I quickly opened the doors to my small balcony hoping to bring myself back to reality a bit. I was soon engulfed by the night breeze— though it did little to help.

    I hadn't dreamt of that night in years. Years.

    You can go to hell, Danika, you spoiled little bitch.

    Those had been the last words he'd ever said to me. The last words he'd ever spoken to anyone. They were such foul words— too foul to be someone's last words on this planet. But they were. And they were for me.

The four of us— we used to go on adventures. We had stuck together through thick and thin. Through cruelty and kindness. But when he had died all I could think about were those words. and the image of me in the early morning opening the front door to find his head left on my doorstep as a warning to stay away. And within the span of a day, those memories had been tainted.

    It had been three years since he'd died. I had been only seventeen when the head of someone I loved was left for me to find. I had come to terms with it a long time ago. We had all come to terms with it a long time ago. I had mourned him. And it no longer haunted me.

But that didn't stop the grief that still took over my mind when I thought about it.

    I wandered back into my room and to my closet still trying to clear the fog that had clouded my head. I knew I wasn't going to get any more sleep that night.

'    Walking into my closet I put on a black tunic and black pants. I splashed some water onto my face in an attempt to gather my bearings once more; an attempt that was also unsuccessful.

I walked back into the bedroom and walked towards the door. I didn't really know where I was going to go. I just knew I needed to do something. Maybe I'd actually train again. It had been too long already.

I entered the dark hallway quickly looking around and feeling for any faeries. When I felt the hallway was clear I began my descent down the halls.

I stopped in my tracks. Something wasn't right. I looked around again making sure I wasn't being watched.

But my suspicions were confirmed as a loud bang came from downstairs.

Soon followed by an ear-shattering scream.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: Honestly hate this chapter. But you know, gotta establish some of my own plots. I'm debating making my mystery character a Sam Cortland type thing. But I also don't wanna give you guys that emotional damage again.

I also just wanted to get this chapter out of the way, because the next few chapters are gonna lead up to my favorite chapter of this book. AKA Calanmai.

love you all <<<33

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