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The second I had woke up the next day I decided I was going to ignore everything that had happened yesterday and spend the day with my lovely sister who is also trapped here in this magical faerie palace. And who was also arguing with Tamlin the dog boy when I finally located her in the study.

    "Feyre," Tamlin whispered to her but Feyre walked over to me and grabbed my hand as she pulled the two of us out of the room and into the sunny hallway.

    "What was that?" I asked my sister as we walked down the hall.

    "Tamlin was trying to help me..." She trailed off. Did he try something? If so, I didn't care if he was a Highlord of Prythian or not I'd rip him open and tie his innards into teensy little bows and hang them around the manor for all to see.

That was a tad violent. But the threat stands.

    Feyre inhaled, "I was studying and he offered to–"


    "Well, yes. It's just he offered to help me write and..."

    "And what?"

    She stopped walking for a moment and looked at me, "I can't read, Dani."

    She stated and I was dumbfounded for a moment. She couldn't read? Feyre couldn't read. It made sense I suppose, we were young when our education started, we couldn't afford a tutor in poverty and she didn't get the practice I got at the academy. But how could I not have noticed? There had to be some instance that I should have noticed.

    "You can't read?" I asked her. My sister nodded to confirm, looking down as if she was embarrassed.

    "Feyre, it's alright. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I understand." I smiled comfortingly at her. An idea took place then, "If you'd like I could teach you?"

    I'd never really helped with studies before. Teaching people new fighting techniques or war tactics was more my forte. But there's a first time for everything.

    Feyre smiled brightly— maybe brighter than I'd ever seen it.

I couldn't help but see her as my little sister who used to play in the yard with me when we were young, and gossip with me about the local girls in town (mainly Nesta's friends), or play dress-up with Elains new clothes. So I couldn't help it when I smiled back.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

    Somehow Feyre and I ended up looking for Lucien, she refused to tell me why and it was making me antsy. She had her scheming face on and it certainly wasn't helping.

    We ended up coming to Lucien's bedroom, only the Mother knows why; Feyre being the person she is knocked before entering the room.

"Come in, humans." Luciens voice resonated from inside.

Feyre eased open the door and the two of us strutted in, "Lucy! Haven't seen you around. Best few days of my life."

"Missed you too, Demonspawn." Lucien drawled sarcastically.

    "I know you did." Lucien rolled his eyes— his signature move in my opinion. I wondered if his eyes would ever get stuck up there. He would look even funnier if they did.

    Lucien fully Turned to Feyre and me then, "I had to go sort out some hotheads on the northern border—official emissary business," He set down the hunting knife he had been cleaning on a small table by the door. It was a fine blade, I admit it. It was long, and, sharp, and pointy, and I wanted it. "I got back in time to hear your little spat with Tam, and I decided it was safer up here. I'm glad to hear your human heart has warmed to me, though. At least I'm not at the top of your killing list."

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now