Twenty one

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When Feyre and I had parted ways I went up to my rooms and sat in a bath for what could have been hours trying to cleanse the reek of the Naga from my skin. A task that seemed impossible.

    I had scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed, but Naga blood just did not want to get out from under my fingernails.

    My white hair had been drenched in rotten blood, and the thing about having white hair is it's like a blank canvas waiting to be painted. There were a great many things I loved about my hair, but the constant red that showered it was not it. Unsurprisingly, blood doesn't wash off easily.

    I had gotten out of the bath after I realized my attempts at cleanliness were futile and put on my silky night clothes— I had no idea how the people of this house knew I favored them— I had crawled into the bed, favoring the soft sheets once again I didn't think I'd ever be able to get used to them. The bed was such a drastic change from what I'd had in my life, and whenever I layed in it I couldn't help but think about how different it felt from the old bed of our cottage, or the cold concrete basements of The Flame.

    Every place has its good and bad, weaknesses and strengths. This place's weakness just happens to out way its strengths.

    I had just settled into bed deciding I was going to take out one of the few books I had "borrowed" from Timmy's libraries. But that thought was short-lived when a knock broke through the room.

    "Come in," I spoke.

    Feyre had told me that she'd set up traps by her door in case anyone entered without permission. I knew that if a faerie wanted in, they would get in. But I didn't tell that to my sister, the traps made her feel safer, and that's tough to do when you are in a foreign world.

    A head peeked into my room and I immediately recognized the woman's long blonde hair as she entered.

    "Sereh, what are yo—"

    Sereh practically shrieked, "Danika! What have you done to your hair? It looks horrendous!" She cringed looking at it as she walked over. As soon as she was within reaching distance she began inspecting my hair.

Sereh scoffed, "You are so lucky many of my friends are from Winter Court and I know how to get... this back to normal."

    I guess that was lucky. Having this hair in the mortal world made me stick out like a sore thumb. But here in Prythian, I guess it was normal.

    Sereh stalked into the bathroom returning with a hairbrush and a few other things she gestured to the chair and vanity on the other side of the room. I hadn't known Sereh very long but she did not seem like the type of person that would support stubbornness, so I walked over to the vanity and sat down. She made quick work brushing through the tangles that had still been there even after my bath.

    "I heard what happened," She spoke a bit quietly, "and I don't think you should have been out there."

    I mentally groaned, she was starting to sound like a Mother hen. It was a bit amusing.

    I rolled my eyes at her, "I can handle myself, you know."

    Sereh scoffed; the sympathetic tone in her voice vanishing, "Cauldron, I know. Not many of even our kind could face the Naga and live. But just," She paused, "Be careful. Your not bad for a human."

    "And your not bad for a Faerie." I smiled softly at her. I thought for a moment, "Where are you from, Sereh?"

    "Dawn Court." She replied, "Or at least I was born there." She paused once again, most likely debating how much she should tell me, "My family was killed when I was young— around my 1st decade. I was brought to Spring Court by a distant relative and she left me here. I grew up with these people." Sereh smiled a bit as if remembering fond memories, "What about you? Where are you from?"

    Sereh was nice. But I wasn't going to just spill my past at her feet.

    "I was raised in a small village in the mortal lands. My father was a wealthy merchant, but we lost our wealth when Feyre and I were young. We fell into poverty and eventually my sister and I became our family's sole source of income." The room grew quiet.

    "I'm sorry you had to leave them." Sereh practically whispered.

    "I'm sorry about your family."

    I thought for a moment, "Would you ever wish to go back to Dawn Court?"

Sereh thought as well, "yes. I think so. I'd like to see where I was raised again, and to just visit I suppose."

    I knew that Sereh and I would be great friends after that.

    When she had left I pulled out the books I was going to read before she came in and started my researching once again before I drifted off into sleep.

𝔸 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕖 (ACOTAR FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now