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The following morning while Sereh, Ayla, and Viessa prepared a bath for me, I contemplated Feyre and I's plan.

           Last night, after I taught her about the courts, what a High Lord was, and the creatures we need to look out for in Spring Court Feyre said we should try to ask Lucien about vouging for us against the treaty with Tamlin since he seems to be as against us being here as we are. I was reluctant in it at first since Lucien seems so Loyal to Tamlin, but after an hour of Feyre's pestering I finally gave in. I don't think it will work, though. Lucien seems like the kind of person who is more obedient to someone than they are able to see right and wrong.

I was going to figure out where Lucien was going today and see if it involved Tamlin. If Tamlin was there it would be a whole lot harder to sway Lucien into helping us get home. I have a sneaking suspicion Tamlin will go wherever Feyre or Lucien goes, which greatly furthers my own agenda. If Tamlin and Lucien are distracted with each other and Feyre I'll have more time to read about Pythian and try to catch the elusive suriel. It also gives opportunity to observe. If they are all watching out for Feyre no one will pay attention to me and I can watch all their behaviors to study them further.

Once my bath was done I was dressed in another tunic. It was probably a relic in Prythian standards, but to me it was one of the nicer things I've worn besides my suit. I'm certainly missing my suit right now. It would make my life so much easier. And I would still have some of my daggers hidden in the seems odd the fabric.

I also planned on asking Lucien where my daggers are. Most likely he won't tell me, but he's dumb enough to give me some sort of clue as to where it is and I can steal it back.

I went to meet Feyre in the east garden, it's the biggest so we would be less visible. The garden was just out the large glass doors by the dining room, but I luckily went unnoticed by the servants. I walked out of the house and down the rocky paved path. Feyre and I agreed to meet by the large statue of some sort of lady holding a prickly orb of some sort. I was there for about 10 minutes when I heard two pairs of nearing footsteps coming my way and then a voice.

"No tripwires today?" Tamlin's voice rang out. The looming footsteps ceased.

Feyre's voice sounded next along with a shuffling noise of her probably turning around, "You said we were safe here. So I listened." I could practically smell the forced politeness, and despite myself, I snickered softly, thankfully not loud enough for Tamlins Fae ears.

There was a silent short pause, "My morning work was postponed," Tamlin began, "If you want a ride across the grounds- if you interested in your new... residence, I can take you." He offered. I mentally groaned at the setback this entire conversation was going to cause.

"I'd prefer to spend the day alone, I think. But thank you for the offer." Feyre spoke again. She did make a mistake with the alone part, If she were to be seen weere to be seen with Lucien or I, it would seem a bit suspicious. I'll sort that out later.

"What about-" Tamlin tried again but was interrupted.

"No, thank you." Feyre tried again. Scuffling footsteps started in my direction again. A few seconds later when Feyre appeared and I knew Tamlin was out of earshot I smirked at her and started laughing.

"Someone's smitten." I teased. Feyre rolled her eyes.

"Don't start." She warned. I stood from the small bench I had been waiting on and walked towards her.

I quietly spoke to Feyre so that anyone listening in couldn't hear "Lucien will be patrolling the grounds today. We have to catch him on his way out and pretty much invite ourselves along." Feyre nodded determinedly and we began walking towards the stable.

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