𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Do comments or i wont update anymore 😤🔪

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Do comments or i wont update anymore 😤🔪


Taehyung Come Back Home with excited face but fade turn out to frown as soon as he saw how clingy his father to his crush.

Soohyuk keep caressing the baby bump and talking to the unborn baby which make the young man clenched his sharp jaw at the sight.

" Oh, you're home already Tae? " Jungkook question his stepson as he saw Taehyung standing up next to the door.

Hearing humm only from the young man and without waiting for his stepmother say anything, Taehyung walk away from there leaving the couple speechless.

" What happened to him? He also smell smoke when he walk pass us " Jungkook mumble alone feel a bit down seeing Taehyung seem not to like him.

Patting his soon to be husband's head and gaps suddenly only to hit his fiance with his dainty hands.

" Did you teach him to smoke?! " He knocking Soohyuk's head again and again making the older widening his eyes as he protect his head with his hand.

" Why me? I didn't do anything! I'm right here with you and our baby all day! " Soohyuk whine as he comb his hair back with pout.

Jungkook went silent as his shoulder slump back to the couch thinking why the young man acting this way recently after they announced that he was pregnant.

" Is he don't like me because I'm replacing his mother? " Jungkook mumble as his eye brimming with tears catching Soohyuk out of guard.

" No baby, Maybe he just not ready to have another siblings? Because it been long time he was alone " Soohyuk tried to reassure him by pecking Jungkook's soft lip.

Jungkook calm down a bit and smile looking at his fiance with heart eye.

As he about to kiss Soohyuk's cheeks, they heard loud glass shattered from upstairs which coming from Taehyung's bedroom.

They immediately get up as Jungkook a bit hard time since he's five months pregnant now.

With the help of his fiance, they now standing infront of Taehyung's bedroom that was looking mess already. All of his stuff on the floor same as blanket and pillow.

Taehyung was curling in a small ball pulling his knees to his face crying all his heart out feeling heart broken at the sight Jungkook and his father keep flashing through his mind.

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