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In a bunny's village, there a cute bunny family. There's a father who work hard gardening carrots and sell them and a mother who taking care of their only son.

A small bunny hybrid was playing with a small rocks as his toy. He doesn't have friends since people call him a cursed bunny.

Because of his shirt ear, other naughty kids sometimes like to bully him by pulling his bunny ear.

He also smaller than others bunny hybrids which make him more girly. People would misunderstanding him as girl just by looking at him.

" Bad bad rock " Jungkook squish the rock and throw it towards the tree since it accidentally fall on his small hands.

He heard a hiss and growl but ignore it since he busy with his small injured hands.

He sniffle as he crouch and rubbing his injured hand. Wipe his snort using his creamy hanbok sleeve as he continue to play the rock.

" Hey, look! That the cursed bunny! " Some kids walking pass by stop as they look at small Jungkook playing with a river's rocks.

They come closer to where Jungkook are and pull his bunny ear making the small bunny squirming, sobbing while his head hung down.

" Your ears won't grow up, girl! " One of the kids spoke up as the others laughing at Jungkook.

Little Jungkook tried to protest and tried to pull his ears back.

" It's hurt! " Jungkook was screaming in agony as the other bunny hybrids keep making fun of him

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" It's hurt! " Jungkook was screaming in agony as the other bunny hybrids keep making fun of him.

Their laughter was stop when they heard a growl behind them which to their surprised is there a cub slowly reach to them.

They were screaming in fears and run away from there leaving the poor bunny alone there as he sobs caressing his now injured ears.

The small tiger transform into a human and walk towards the bunny boy who been crying for an hours now.

" Stop crying kid " He said as he wipe Jungkook's tears with his baby blue hanbok  sleeve and pat Jungkook's shoulder.

" B-but you're kid too " Jungkook hiccup making the other pinch his thigh which making it worse as the bunny hybrid crying even louder.

The tiger already panicked and tried to reassure him by giving some chocolate to him and that how the bunny stop crying.

" What your name? " The tiger hybrid asked as they lean their back to the tree behind them.

" Jungkook but you can call me kookie " He replied with smile showing his famous bunny smile making the other tiger hybrid heartbeat fasten.

" Taehyung, that my name " The tiger look away with a blush on his cheeks.

" How can you be here? This is bunny village " Jungkook asked again as he show Taehyung his shinny eyes making the other heart racing again.

" I-im lost, that why " The tiger hybrid replied and suddenly he transform into tiger again without any clue.

Little Jungkook was a bit confused and gaps when he look at the tiger's head that has a small bumps. It was from him  because he throw a rock last time.

" I'm sorry Taetae " Jungkook pat his head and pick him up but Taehyung flinch as he heard two voice calling out for Jungkook name.

The tiger hybrid was running away as soon as he heard that and Jungkook pout. His parents was the one who calling for his name.

Asking him to come back home since it late already.

Jungkook watch where Taehyung go and bid it with smile then go to his home.

" We'll met again Kookie "


To Be Continue

Side story to cheer up since we gonna have a..... 👀

Jungkook is 5 years old

Taehyung is 7 years old

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