𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Trigger Warning : Sexual assault

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Trigger Warning : Sexual assault


A figure walk into Jungkook's and Soohyuk's bedroom. Locking it as he saw only the baby inside the cradle, sleeping peacefully while sucking his pacifier.

JunSeo grab HanGyeol small chin to look closer with gritted teeth.

" I don't care about you but don't you dare interrupt me and your mother or else I will send you to orphans house " He whisper.

The baby only let out incoherent words only and giggle at the ticklish breath against his small face. Junseo pull himself back when he heard door knob being twist.

" Oh- Taehyung-ah, you come here? " Jungkook asked the young man as he walk toward them and pick up Hangyeol who giggling.

Junseo humm as respond and sat next to him, taking the advantage of it as he climb on top Jungkook who yelp at the sudden act.

" T-Tae, I'm holding a b-baby right now. So c-can you let go? T-Tae? " Jungkook tried to push the other but only got pinned down on the bed as Junseo come closer to his neck.

Sniffing the scent while close his eye and lick a bit making Jungkook taken back what his stepson was doing to him right now.

Jungkook was about to protest since there a little baby between them but Junseo already get off from him and just go put from his and Soohyuk's bedroom.

" What just happened? " Jungkook was still clueless about Taehyung's weird behaviour lately and it kinda scared him a little.

He shake all the scary thought and continue to breastfeed Hangyeol who keep pressing his small hands against his chest.

Patting the baby butt as he walk around the room waiting for Hangyeol to fall asleep during breastfeed then change his diaper.

At the same time, Soohyuk come back home by back hugging Jungkook who taken back a little since he thought it would be Taehyung.

" Baby, I buy your favourite food " Soohyuk whisper and place his chin to Jungkook's shoulder as he show pack of cookies.

Jungkook's smile went wide as soon as he saw the cookies. It was the cookies he make when he and his late mother bake it together.

It bring back the memories.

" Thank you so much honey " Jungkook whisper kissing the other man cheeks as Soohyuk let go off Jungkook's small waist.

Soohyuk was still smiling playing with Hangyeol small fingers and toes. Hangyeol was still continue drinking milk and hold his father index finger.

" Thank you for giving birth to our little baby, he look alike me " Soohyuk whisper again and peck Jungkook's lip which slowly became make out.

They stop as soon as they heard Hangyeol suddenly throwing tantrum meaning he poop in his diapers already.

Jungkook and Soohyuk laugh at the little baby. Soohyuk pick up the baby and brought him to the toilet to change Hangyeol diaper.

" Woah, it really rare to see a father change his son diaper " Jungkook giggle as take out his phone to record their sweet moment.

That's a really sweet memories but how long it will stay? No one know.

Soohyuk was caressing Jungkook's hair as the younger fall asleep right away after they playing around with their child.

He grab a paper and smile looking at it. It was a DNA test documents. His and Hangyeol's DNA test.

It was said that they're a father and son.

Soohyuk do that because he afraid since people around him keep asking him to do DNA test. It not like he didn't trust Jungkook.

But he just need a confirmation and it true that Jungkook really loyal to him only.

" I'm sorry that i do it without you knowing Koo " Soohyuk said to himself and join Jungkook and their child cuddling together.


Taehyung come back home with a teddy bear with him. He want to give the teddy bear to Hangyeol.

He walk into the bedroom to see they're cuddling as his father big spooning his half brother and Jungkook. He look at them with a sad eye.

" When will you be mine Ggukie? " He whisper and look at how gorgeous Jungkook face and he look at the baby.

" I'm sorry "

He pick up the baby slowly and went out from his parents bedroom along with Hangyeol in his hand.


To Be Continue

Where Taehyung gonna bring Hangyeol?

I finally back! 🤡
I still recovering and my hands still trembling a bit. Hehe.

I want to update bcs it been so long im not update.

Beside when i was in hospital. They wont let me hold my phone and i was so fcking boring without it T^T

 They wont let me hold my phone and i was so fcking boring without it T^T

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