𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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" Mom, I give up " Jungkook sigh deeply while do lazy sit after working for eight hour straight.

Minhwan only chuckle at him and continue to help finishing the documents that they need to give another company.

" Here " Minhwan give the paper work to Jungkook and keep it in the file.

" Finally! Home! " Jungkook dash out the cabin without saying anything to the other which make him a little sad hut smile after Jungkook came back.

" Meet you again tomorrow mister chan? " Jungkook giggle and both of them went apart to their own house.

Jungkook drove of to kids caretaker to fetch up Hangyeol and there he is playing with the teacher, telling them his story with incoherent language which the teachers just listen and enjoy it.

The teacher recognize Jungkook looking at them with smile and they give Hangyeol back to the bunny man. Bid a goodbye then went back home with Hangyeol sleeping in the babyseat.

" We're home! " Jungkook carry the sleeping baby in his hands and get in the house but to his surprise.

He saw Taehyung with other man in the living room, talking, smiling and being toucy to each other. Somewhat he felt a little pain in his heart seeing them smiling like that to each other as if he not exist there.

Jungkook fake cough to catch their attention which he did and Taehyung quickly take Hangyeol off from Jungkook and make him sat on the couch.

" Hyung! This is Yoongi, he is my new friend I made " Taehyung introduce them both as Jungkook reply with an awkward smile and a little bow to the young man.

" Nice to meet you too Mr.Kim, You're more pretty in person " Yoongi compliment the elder but yelp when he felt a small pinch on his thigh.

" That hurt dumbass " He snap to the other and Jungkook chuckle at them.

" Excuse me, Hangyeol lets go " Jungkook pick Hangyeol up and goes to their bedroom to take a warm bath together.

Meanwhile with Taehyung and Yoongi, they look at each other and continue to read some books ever since their exam getting near.

" By the way, is that person just now that you like? " Yoongi broke the silence and place the book on the table as he lean his back over the couch.

Taehyung nod his head as he bite his inner cheeks in embarrassed because he still couldn't have Jungkook's heart fully.

" What about making him jealous then? " Yoongi smirk which make the other look at him in confused and Yoongi rolled his eye, continue speak.

" Test him, if he really does have any feeling towards you or not  " He explained with smirk again " But I guess he does since he look a little bit upset seeing me being close with you "

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