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Taehyung and Jungkook intertwined their hands as they swing their hands backward and forward. What a cute new couple.

They went to Jungkook's house and before Taehyung get in, he clean his clothes which has some blood stained from Jungkook's bullies.

He want to make a nice improvement towards his soon to be Queen's parents.

Jungkook wait for his soon to be husband dust off his clothes while giggle and when he's done. They went up to Jungkook's house.

Taehyung asked permission to marry him and at first, Jungkook's parents literally freak out that the Taetae he's been talking about all this time is a tiger hybrid instead a bunny hybrids.

But day by day Taehyung tried hard to impressed Jungkook's parents that he really serious to take Jungkook as his wife and Jungkook's parents heart slowly melt how serious he is.

Later on, Jungkook's parents approve their relationship and let the lovey dovey couple married. Some of Jungkook's crush of course went heart broken after hearing the announcement that they will get married.

Sorry not sorry but for Jungkook, only a brave man like Taehyung already fill his heart. The both of them love each other to the core.

And now, both if them living in Taehyung castle. Jungkook glad that both of his parents in laws really love him that they would give him everything he want.

" Mom, please let me cook for my husband " Jungkook blinking his doe eye to his mother in law but she refuse.

" No, you can't. You're carrying a small life in your belly and even the doctor said that you can't do any heavy work " She guard the bunny to the living room so he can rest.

Jungkook pout and huff as he look outside the window as his mother in law asked all maid to make delicious dishes for them after Taehyung and his father back.

Taehyung's mother sat next to the bunny hybrid and caressing his baby bump with her wide boxy smile when she felt the baby kicking her palm.

" Bun, did you feel it? My grandchild kicking my pretty hands! " She said excitedly as she look at Jungkook face.

Jungkook nod with a smile and wince again when the baby kicking more harder than before.

" It hurt " Jungkook complain as he caressing his belly.

" It's normal, she or he is really healthy and because it your first pregnancy of course it hurt at first. It will be fine when you used to it " She said as she wipe Jungkook's small tears.

Jungkook just lean his head to his mother in law shoulders as she pat his arm and baby bump to sooth the baby.

Not so long after that,

" We're home! " A loud bang noise Jungkook heard and he look to see his husband push the door way too hard.

Taehyung quickly went to Jungkook as he kneel infront of Jungkook before caressing his baby bump and his eye wide open in shock as he felt a little kick to his bread cheeks.

" Our baby ki- "

" I know Hubby " Jungkook giggle as he push Taehyung's bangs behind his ear and wipe his husband's sweat from hard working.

" I'm so happy and thank you so much baby bun! " Taehyung hug his wife.

" Look at those lovey birdy "

Jungkook turn his head to his side a sees his parents coming along to the castle and a wide bunny teeth show as he smile widely.

" Mommy, Daddy! " He get up and hug them as they kiss their son fluffy cheeks.

Taehyung clear his throat when he heard Jungkook calling his father ' daddy ' and that make him jealous a little bit towards his father in laws.

" Daddy- "

" Yes, baby " Taehyung and Jungkook's father look at each other face when they said unison and Taehyung cough while the other laugh seeing Jungkook's father glaring at him.

Jungkook let out his laugh watching the father and son bickering while Taehyung trying hard to explain himself.

" Dad, enough " Jungkook tried to stop his father as the King pout seeing his wife backing his father instead of him.

Jungkook kiss his husband pouty lip and cupping his bread cheeks and kiss his lip multiple times.

" I wuv you my Queen " Taehyung whisper as they connect their forehead together and slowly Taehyung's hands wrap around his wife waist.

" I love you too my husband " Jungkook whisper and slowly lean forward to connect their lip as Jungkook's dainty hands over his husband shoulder.

Their parents smile sheepishly to each other and back off silently to the other room as they give a sweet moments to the lovey birds.

"  I don't wanna lose you because I have fallen for you so much " Taehyung unconnected their lip with a string of saliva on each other lip.

" You won't " Jungkook smile as he held his husband chin and give a small peck to his husband face.

They share a warm cuddle in each other arms. Taehyung lay his head on Jungkook's chest as his large hands caressing the baby bump.

Look like the baby has fall asleep hearing their fathers sweet talk.

" I hope this light of my life won't fade " Both of Taehyung and Jungkook said to themselves and they fall asleep in each other embraces.


The End

Final of Stepmother!

Hope you enjoy reading this cliche book and I apologize if I made any mistake in the book!

Btw, there's many new book coming soon!

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