𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Few months has past and Jungkook is nine months in his pregnancy.

He was admitted in hospital a week before as Soohyuk don't want to panic when Jungkook about to give birth.

Right now, Jungkook just enjoying his day with a lot of sweets like chocolate because he want to. He would throw tantrums if he don't get it what he want.

Soohyuk massage his swollen leg and his back whenever the pregnant bunny boy whine about this and that.

He became brat day by day.

Well, can't blame him since he's carry a small human in him for nine months, everyday it kicking his belly, swollen leg, back hurting, can't control his emotion and hormones.

It's not easy for him.

" Babe, can you give me that jelly? " Jungkook show his puppy eye as he can't get up because Taehyung literally sleeping on his chest.

Soohyuk did give the jelly and sigh, plopping himself on the couch beside Jungkook's bed. Tired of working but a small smile appear his lip as he saw his son cuddling his soon to be stepmother.

" Are you doing fine bun? " Soohyuk asked as he caressing Jungkook's hair making the pregnant male nod cutely.

" I'm fine but the baby keep kicking my belly and it hurt a bit " He jutting his lip out, pout.

The other just chuckle and start to talk to the baby.

Few hours has past, Jungkook start to feel the pain when the baby keep moving and some blood start to come out.

The doctors confirmed that he about to labour in few hours more. Nurse checking if the baby's head near Jungkook's uterus or not.

If it is, then it would be easier for Jungkook to give birth.

By the time we wait for Jungkook in labour, what happened to Taehyung in the club?


" Kim Taehyung, is that you? "

Taehyung heard a gentle voice and he look up to see a guy but his eye blurry due drunk and hallucination.

He saw Jungkook coming closer to him with his infamous bunny smile curve his lip. With that Taehyung hug the guy tightly.

" Woah, chill man " The unknown guy seem surprised when Taehyung suddenly hug him.

" Jungkook, p-please don't marry him! I love you so much! "  Taehyung hiccups every sentence he said.

The man broke the hug but only to get hug again and to his surprised Taehyung cup his cheeks and lean closer.

This guy fast enough to stop the drunk boy by covering his mouth and drag Taehyung out from the club building to have a nice talk with him.

" Don't do that kid, I have wife already! " He sigh in relief that his wife not there because if not, it would be big chaos since his wife is bl lover just like the person who reading this.

The man sigh again seeing how the younger crying out loud whole crouching on the floor as he covering his eye not even bother to wipe his tears.

He pull out his phone to call Soohyuk which the other answer immediately.


" Bro, i found your son,
Kim Taehyung in the
xxx club and pick him up
already. He seem
heartbroken so much."

" Okay, thank you
Hoseok-ah- "

" By the way, who's Jungkook?"

Hoseok interrupt the other as he was curious who Taehyung mention just now in the club.

" He's my fiance and we
will get married he give
birth to my child.
Thank again bro.
I'm going to fetch my son now."

Soohyuk explained and hung the call before Hoseok get to ask any further.


" Wow, so cliche " Hoseok whisper to himself and tried to help the younger to get up, waiting for his father to fetch him up.

Not so long after that, Soohyuk came with Jungkook who panicked witnessing that Taehyung suddenly run away from his apartment without any words.

Then, got a call from Soohyuk's friend saying that he found Taehyung's crying mess and drunk.

" Tae? Wake up baby bear. Kookie is here " Jungkook tap the younger bread cheek as the other open his puffy eye then hug the older tightly.

" I think we should discuss Sooh- "

" Thank again Hobi, I'm going now " Soohyuk cut off the other sentence as he help Jungkook to carry the drunken young man into his car.

With that Taehyung sleep in between them that night, cuddling to Jungkook's chest as his father hug him from behind.


" Congratulation! It's a boy! " A nurse come out from the surgery room to inform Jungkook's fiance who's now crying in happiness.

" He got ten fingers and ten toes. Would you like to cut the umbilical cord? " The nurse continue as she smile when Soohyuk nod his head.

" This way sir "

Taehyung bit his lower lip not knowing what to do as he sat at the waiting room.

He don't know either he's happy or sad because happy that he got a half sibling but from his crush?

He look at them through the small transparent window with a sad smile when he saw his father peck Jungkook's lip while holding their's child.

Tears keep falling from his eye seeing them but he quickly wipe his eye as soon as he saw his father come out from the surgery room to him.

" Taehyung-ah, are you happy? You have a small friend now " Soohyuk start the conversation.

" He look so small just like when you were born " Soohyuk start to rambling about Taehyung when he was a little.

Taehyung hesitated to nod and pressing his lip together then look the other side not wanting his father to see and listen his crying.


To Be Continue

What if it not Soohyuk's child? 🤡

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