𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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Trigger Warning : Attempt suicide & abusive parent

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Trigger Warning : Attempt suicide & abusive parent


A little guy wearing mask all the day to hide his bruised face that he got from his mother. He goes with mask, kids around his age keep bullying him.

Calling him a weird kid.

He always been alone and that make him sad thinking there no one want to be his friends. Yet he just shrug it off by watching cartoon in his phone that his father buy it for him.

He was make himself busy watching those cartoon at the park near bridge. He look around as he felt a person which looking like still a teenager standing at the bridge.

Staring the sea water waves.

With a sad smile curve through his lip as tears dripping down to his chubby cheeks.

The little Taehyung keep staring at the beautiful guy. He unzip his bag to pull out a book and write some letter to the teenager.

When he's done writing, he tug the teenager's shirt making the other caught of guard and look down to see a child looking up to him.

" Why are you crying? " The little Taehyung question the elder as he tilt his head, hands behind.

" You will understand when you get older " With smile the teenager replied the small guy.

Taehyung just nodded his head as he don't want to upset the elder. He just grab the teenager hands and put the letter in his hand.

With that he left to grab his bag again and bid a goodbye his small hands to the stranger.

The teenager was confused and replied the goodbye wave with smile. He then look up the sky and then to his hands where the little guy give him.

Slowly, he open up the small letter with cute handwriting but full of deep meaning words that give damage to mature people.

When I'm unhappy, I will watch cartoon. I will be so happy.

Are you happy?

You can watch cartoon too when you're unhappy.

Another tears fall after reading the letter. He quickly wipe the tear and go away with a little light in his heart, decide to do what the little guy told to.

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