𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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Trigger warning : Alcohol

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Trigger warning : Alcohol


Taehyung was running into his collage as fast as he can and goes in the bathroom to pull out his phone from his pocket to call someone.

It was one of his father's admired who's been crushing him for a long time but gave up after Soohyuk announce that he somebody else and will having a child together with Jungkook.


+82 975 2535

" Hello, Taehyung-ah "

A almost high pitch of woman said as soon as she pick up the call making him annoyed and puke.

" Don't call me that.
I've boyfriend already "

He spat harshly towards the woman for making him a bad mood right in the morning.

" Chill, By the way why
are you calling me? "

" I have one job for you to do
for me "


And that how he explained his plan to ruined his father relationship with his baby Koo that was pregnant with his half sibling.

Weird but he doesn't care since he want only Jungkook to himself.

But the plan is kinda fail and success due to his ex mother show up unexpected.

To him it worth it.

As long no one in the way of him and Jungkook.

He didn't knew that his plan gonna make him heartbroken again.


It for nth flowers and chocolate bouquet was given to him along with apologize noted infront of his apartment.

Jungkook sat on the couch and put the bouquet aside. Only take the chocolate since he's craving for it.

Not him to be honest. It's the baby.

Taehyung was going out with his friends  considering that he miss his friends as he didn't meet them after awhile.

He's all alone in his apartment munching thus chocolate and television noise fill the living room.

Jungkook keep his palm on his baby bump and sigh. Still thinking about Soohyuk's noted.

As he about to take another bite of chocolate. Someone knocking his door house which he walk slowly but as soon as he swing the door open.

He gasp when Soohyuk throwing his body to the pregnant male. Hugging him like life depends on him.

" I'm sorry baby, but i don't kiss her. She throw herself on me. If you don't trust me, you can look at the cctv in my office " Soohyuk beg kneeling infront of the pregnant male.

Jungkook who been watching the older now began soft heart seeing his fiance crying over him. He's really do love him so much.

" It's okay. I trust you Hyuk-ie " A bunny smile appear his lip as the other hug him with mumbling ' thank you ' repeatedly.

Inviting his fiance in his apartment which Soohyuk carrying him in bridal style making them both giggle.

At the same time, Taehyung just got back from meeting his friends and frown seeing his father's car parking near to his Kookie's apartment.

Quickly he run into the apartment only to met his Kookie sat on his father's lap, giggling whenever Soohyuk pinch his nose and cheeks.

A lot of question running through his head seeing them laughing all like tohat but isn't they fought weeks ago?

" Oh, you home Tae? " His father's voice make him flinch slightly and nod not trusting his voice.

" Where is your wife? " Taehyung suddenly question which his father sigh and start to explain everything.

" By the way, your Kookie's hyung and I gonna get married after he gave birth to your sibling! "

Jungkook look at Soohyuk with his doe eyes, kinda looking surprise since they arrange their marriage in two years more.

But this?

" But ain't you said th- "

" I know bun, but i'm scared to lose you "  Soohyuk whisper as he caress his baby bump and his fluffy cheeks.

" and Taehyung, my son. I hope you accept our marriage. Can you? "

Before they could say anything else, Taehyung run out from Jungkook's apartment with tears brimming his almond eyes.

Like who wouldn't heart broken knowing their crush or love getting married with other people or more like parents?

That it.

He run to the club. He need to drink. To forgot what happened just now. He don't want to remember what his father said to him.

" One strongest alcohol! " He slam his fist on the table making the bartender flinch and quickly give his alcohol.

That continue till the midnight.

Keep drunk all night until-

" Taehyung? Is it you? "


To Be Continue

Yep, short chap and cliff hanger 🙊

Btw what was the reason Taehyung's behaviour change? Shdjjddjjd keep guessing.

I finally have a break and look what i did XD. Still not done yet tbh but do not repost without my permission.

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