𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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The bodyguard prevent the young man from running away and asked him to stay to hear what Jungkook has to say which Taehyung did.

" Taehyung-ah, I think I like you because I can see yoùuuuu everywhere " Jungkook giggle as he spread his arm and let go of Minhwan's cheeks.

Minhwan kinda feel a small pang in his heart because he has a small crush over his boss but what can he do? Nothing instead help him.

Meanwhile Taehyung, he felt overjoyed when he heard Jungkook called his name and what Jungkook said just now make him jump in tiny.

" Ggukkie say he like me " He whisper to himself with boxy smile and he drop the smile as he heard the bodyguard cough beside him and give a sign to help the elder.

He nod his head and walk over them.

" Let me carry him to the room sir, and thank you " Taehyung said in polite tone and carry the elder bunny guy in bridal style leaving the secretary behind.

Minhwan only give a small smile and leave the place with heavy heart.

Taehyung carried the elder into the bedroom and place him on the soft mattress surface.

" Ah~ Soft " Jungkook moaning and rambling as he curling in tiny on the bed making Taehyung gulp down his saliva seeing a gorgeous male.

The sweat making his skin shining under the orange dim light also the half unbuttoned shirt revealing his chest and you could see two mountains over there.

" Nngh, Taetae is bad bad boyhh " Jungkook middling Taehyung's dirty mind and pointing at his broad chest with his small index finger.

" Why tho? " He chuckle seeing the cute side of drunk man infront of him.

" Becausehh he keep givingn me dryy texttt, hmph! " Jungkook cross his arm against his chest with pout and droppy eye as he felt sleepy.

" Hmm, why is that? " Taehyung pretend to think as he place his index finger on his forehead, tapping it.

" Tsk, Becazhuee I likee himm youu stupid hoomann " Again Jungkook rambling with his small confession without realizing it.

He keep talking incoherent words about how he, Taehyung and Hangyeol will be a small happy family and that already make Taehyung's heart all jumpy.

With that, they fall asleep in each other arm as Jungkook snuggle into Taehyung's broad chest.

Not so long after they fall asleep, the bodyguard slowly place Hangyeol in between them and that make it look like a family.

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