𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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Warning : Fluff

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Warning : Fluff


A forty three years old man slam the car door closed as he excited to met his pregnant male fiance in his house after back from working.

Tired? Of course but when he got home thinking about Jungkook and their unborn baby making all those exhausted feeling vanish just like that. Too excited for their unborn baby since it been so long he hadn't hold a baby.

The last time he hold a baby is when Taehyung was born after his wife giving birth to him. At that time, all feeling was mix and couldn't even say it and he miss those memories.

" Babe, I'm back! " Soohyuk shout from the door making the pregnant male flinch as he still cooking in the kitchen for their dinner.

Jungkook quickly wipe his wet hands to handkerchief that was on the table and put it at the same place before went to his fiance to take off his suit before hanger it.

He gaps when he felt a pair of hands wrapping around his not so tiny waist anymore because he's three months pregnant, after he hang Soohyuk's suit and shirt to basket for wash later.

Jungkook felt his fiance's broad chest touch his back and warm palm caressing his almost visible baby bump softly with his thumb. Jungkook smile holding Soohyuk arms that was wrapping around his waist as he lean his head on his chest.

" Welcome back hubby~ " The bunny boy giggle as Soohyuk kiss his nose.

The CEO spun his fiance around to face him, cupping his chubby cheeks making the bunny boy lips jutting out looking cute ever. Soohyuk peck his glossy lip then hug the smaller boy in his embrace.

Jungkook's cheeks already went to red feeling his fiance's naked broad chest on his puffy cheek. He smile as he snuggle up more to Soohyuk's crook neck sniffing his cologne but cringe when he smell sweat.

" Go shower first! You smell bad! " Jungkook pout pushing the older off from him.

Soohyuk think it maybe his hormones of pregnancy or moody mode so that why he don't take it serious at thw harsh words of the bunny boy instead he chuckle kissing Jungkook's forehead.

" Fine baby " He tiredly whisper and took warm shower by himself as usually Jungkook is the one who fill his bathtub with warm water.

Jungkook shook his head with giggle as he continue to cut some carrot and cabbage. As he cut them on cut board, he felt a pair of arm wrapping his waist again, snuggling his head over Jungkook's shoulder.

" Hyuk-ie, I told you to take shower didn't I? " The pregnant male mad as he continue cutting cabbage thinking it was his fiance which is not.

" I want you " A deep voice whisper against his ear making the bunny boy flinch trying to spun his body around to see his stepson trapping him in between his hands.

" T-tae, what are you doing? " Jungkook stutter seeing his stepson who drenched with sweat showing off his broad chest and abs that was sticking his shirt.

Taehyung only lean in to Jungkook's face which he immediately turn his head to other side and caressing his baby bump afraid of the younger who might have bad intentions towards him.

" What are you cooking bun? " He rasp again only making the short guy cheeks turn red more than before.

His heartbeat increase every deep voice of his stepson said which he shouldn't felt since he will get married with his fiance and they love each other so much. Jungkook gulp down his saliva at the closed of them.

" T-tae, I'm c-cooking right now " Again Jungkook stutter infront of his stepson ignoring his question who absolutely chuckle with his deep voice which make the older mentally slapping himself.

Taehyung let him go before giving him a glance with smirk before his father come downstairs directly run towards Jungkook who serve few foods on the dining table.

" Oh my baby, what are you doing there? Did you make mommy hard time? " Soohyuk kneel down to the pregnant male belly and caressing his baby bump as Jungkook still hold two plate in his hands.

Taehyung mentally roll his eyes seeing such a romantic lovey dovey partner watching how his crush laughing as he caressing his father's hairs with eyes with love making him jealous.

He slam his hand over the table and went away from there to his room without caring if they flinch or take it as serious or not because he don't care and his jealousy already enough.

" This brat! " Soohyuk get up from kneeling about to walk fo his son room but Jungkook stop him before he do something isn't rational.

" It's okay hubby, let me talk with him first " Jungkook reassure his fiance pecking his lip and go to Taehyung's bedroom.

He knock the door but no answer and he knock again for the third time calling for Taehyung's name but no answer again. Jungkook twist the knob of the door and it unlock.

" Tae? " Jungkook whisper calling out for his stepson name but flinch when he saw a dark figure behind him hugging him from behind.

" Kookie... " Hearing familiar voice, Jungkook calm down and tried to broke his stepson arm around his waist but fail as the wrap getting stronger.

" Taehyung? Can you let go of me? " Jungkook whisper but yelp escape from his mouth as he felt the younger throw him on his bed making the pregnant male bounce at the impact.

Jungkook's heartbeat beating so fast thinking that his stepson had bad intentions toward him again but sigh in relief as he felt Taehyung climb beside the pregnant male placing his head on Jungkook's chest.

" Tae... What happened? " The pregnant male question as he caressing his fluffy hairs but there no replied and giggle as he look at the younger who fell asleep so fast.

He pat the younger back and sing few lullaby songs making Taehyung smile in his sleep snuggle up to his semi-breast, wrapping his hands and leg over his waist and thighs.

Not so long after that, the door open slowly revealing his future husband figure who already sulk with pout visible on his lips acting like a child because he want attention from his fiance too.

" Come here " Jungkook mouthing to the older as Soohyuk close the door behind and lay beside Taehyung wanting to hug Jungkook but was block by his son figure.

" Tsk this brat " Soohyuk clicking his tongue inside his mouth annoyed because he want Jungkook's cuddle which Jungkook giggle holding his stepson carefully to kiss his future husband cheeks.


To Be Continue

1117 words

What the sudden change of Taehyung so drastic?

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