𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Taehyung has been packing his bag without Jungkook knowing. After he's done packing, he went downstairs with backpack and goes to Jungkook who busy mopping the floor.

" Hyung, I'm gonna stay at Yoongi's house until we finish our exam. Take care! " Taehyung start and without waiting for Jungkook answer, he walk past him.

" But, nevermind " He continued mop and do the rest before going to work.

Usually Taehyung would help him so they won't be late, now it only Jungkook, so it kinda tired to do all the house chorus alone.

" He said, he going to that Yoon guy " Jungkook whisper to himself as his grip the mop tighten.

Somehow, his heart's hurt by thinking how close they are but he himself don't know why his heart hurting.

" It not like I'm in love but why I always feel like this as if the same feeling I felt when Soohyuk talking to another women? " He huffed and throw the mop away.

Stomping his small feet on the floor as he walk upstairs to get ready for work.

Packing Hangyeol's bag as always but today the little one keep crying which Jungkook tried to calm him down but fail when the little one throwing tantrums.

" Why are you being like this? Are you sick little Gyeol? " Jungkook softly question but what he can do? A small kid still cannot talk yet.

" Tata... " Hangyeol hiccup as he keep throwing tantrums.

Maybe it because Taehyung didn't approach the little one when he go out, and Hangyeol upset didn't get to see his daddy.

Jungkook had no choice to bring Hangyeol to his work place even though it not safe for kid but he need to watch over him and he can't take day off.

He massages his head and sigh, go out with the baby in his arm while driving as the little one keep crying.

As soon as he arrive his work place, he quickly go to his own cabin to make bottle milk for Hangyeol.

Luckily, Hangyeol stop crying as he get his bottle milk and fall asleep while sucking it. Exhausted from crying and throwing tantrum for hours.

" The day just start and I'm already this tired " Jungkook whisper to himself and place the baby on the sofa with two small pillow left and right beside Hangyeol and he continue to work as usual.

Minhwan knocked the door before enter the cabin and the first thing he see is Jungkook massaging his head while the other hand tapping the computer keyboard.

" Mr. Kim, this is the files you want " He bow.

" Just place it over there " Jungkook point at the other table without even looking at the assistant and continue on working.

Minhwan just do what the other asked to and to his surprised, there a small baby sucking bottle milk while sleeping soundly.

" Is this Hangyeol? The one you tell me two weeks ago? " He question the other as Jungkook nodded his head.

" He's cute " He whisper and poke the small guy's cheeks then pull the blanket to cover his chest.

" A lot of staff talking about this little guy out there, they keep cooing over him. I guess he will be the handsome guy in the future " Minhwan continue as he smile.

Jungkook who listen to that now look at him with soft smile.

" Thank you Minhwan and do you have any work after this? " He question the other man.

Minhwan shook his head.

" Not much. I'll just go visit employees they working on and write some note then I have nothing to do "  He said while thinking as if there another work to do.

" Then, after that can you help me take care of Hangyeol? " Jungkook looking at him with his bambi eye which make the other heart beat fasten.

" He's cute " Minhwan mumble to himself and nod his head as yes.

" Thank you agai- " Jungkook's phone ringtone cut his sentence off and he quickly grab it and see it was Hangyeol's care taker.

" Oh my bunnies, I apologize. I forgot to inform you that I'm taking care of Hangyeol today since he insist for no reason " Jungkook continue apologize to them and end the call.


" Oi Taehyung, It been a week since you live here and the exam finished already " Yoongi nudge his shoulder as he rip the snack bag.

" So? "

" Don't you have anything to tell your crush? He seem worried because he keep calling and message you " Yoongi said and eat the snack.

Taehyung only bit his lip and that right, Jungkook has been calling and message him every day and he only reply with dry text.

" Don't you think it too much? " They both flinch when they heard a deep voice from behind them.

" You scared us, you stupid human! " Yoongi throw the remote television to his brother which his brother just laugh it off.

" I mean it true tho, treating someone you love that cold and making him confused is not gonna solve anything " His brother interrupt and grab the snack in Yoongi hands.

" That mine! " Yoongi kick the elder leg and grab it back.

Taehyung only silent thinking what the elder said and it true, nothing gonna solve if they're lacking of communication and what he need to do is talk with the other party.

" Thank you Hyung! " Taehyung smile and quickly grab his motorbike key and went to their home.


To Be Continue

I myself don't know what im writing

I myself don't know what im writing

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Angst? 🙊

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