𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Eyes glued to the computer screen as he focusing on the work he did ever since he come to the cabin.

Tapping those keyboard making the sounds echoed in the silenced room and he flinch when his phone notification pop.

" Eungg, Tomorrow is Hangyeol second vaccine " Jungkook giggle just by imagine their little one getting a vaccine.

" He gonna throw a lot of tantrum even before he get into the clinic " He shake his head with smile and brush his hair back his ear.

He place his phone back and open another files beside his computer to make final check while waiting for Taehyung and Hangyeol to come back.

Meanwhile, Taehyung and Hangyeol. The young man reheat the breast milk and drop it a little on his hand to make sure the milk in good temperature.

Not so hot and not so cool.

He make a aeroplane fly before feed it to the baby making they both chuckle.

Taehyung carry the bag on his back and carry the little one in bridal style to make him sleeping on the way to his Kookie's cabin.

Hangyeol's eyelids slowly close as he sucking the bottle milk in his mouth as his father carry him.

" Excuse me, can you help me open the door? It- no my hands is full right now " Taehyung whisper as he trying to not to wake the baby up.

He give a small smile when the cleaner uncle help him as he thanks to the elder. Of course he heard all the comments about him in the company.

" He so handsome "

" He still young to be a father "

" Lucky him born be in golden spoon "

" I want him to be my boyfriend! "

He heard that but chose to ignored it as he felt it would be childish to fight with nonsense reasons. Beside, he don't want to disappoint the bunny boy.

He want to be mature so that he can take care of his small family, he is the leader in the family so he want all the best for it.

" Hyung! " Taehyung whisper and put thr sleeping baby on the soft couch before come next to him.

" Teach me so that I can help you when I graduate! " He said in excited making the other giggle.

" Wait, is Hangyeol sleeping? " Jungkook question the young man as Taehyung reply ' yes ' and nod.

" Okay, let me show you " The bunny boy continue as he tilt his head back to relaxed his nape.

" Show what? Your bumbum? " Jungkook only give a small glare to the younger and pinch his stomach as he bit his lip.

Taehyung wince and apologize to the elder and pout when Jungkook look back at the screen, teaching the younger so that he understand what he learn.

The next day is where Hangyeol get his second vaccine and there they are. Waiting for their turn, Taehyung were playing with their baby.

" Papa, who sick " Little Hangyeol question his father as he pinch the young man cheeks.

" Syouu " Hangyeol giggle, not getting what his father said and squish his father's cheeks again and Jungkook recording them with a wide bunny smile.

Not so long after that, a pretty doctor were calling for Hangyeol's name and they went into the room.

" Hello, little one. How chu doing baby? " She question the baby while wearing a rubber gloves meanwhile Hangyeol hiding behind his father.

" Tell her you're good " Jungkook whisper as he trying to encourage the little tiger but he just look at his mama with his small little innocent eye.

" He's good, doc " Jungkook reply for Hangyeol instead and she smile in reply.

She asked Jungkook and Taehyung to hold Hangyeol's hands as she picking up the syringe. Hangyeol starting to panic seeing the sharp needle.

" Naur! Gyeol no want! " The little Hangyrol screaming as he throwing tantrums and Taehyung try hard to save his face whenever Hangyeol kicking him.

" My handsome faceu " Taehyung whine again when Jungkook slap his back and asked him to hold their child again.

" It feel like a small ant bite " She said as she wipe Hangyeol's biceps with alcohol pad before inject him as Hangyeol bite Taehyung's wrist.

" My hands... " Taehyung again whine in silent as he watch his wrist getting bite.

Jungkook didn't know either he want to laugh for Taehyung or serious for Hangyeol who getting injection but he giggle in the end.

" Mama, no hurt! Gyeol strong right?! " Hangyeol scream as he only felt sting and tell his mama, ignoring his father who in pain.

" Yes, Gyeol is strong boy " Jungkook pat his head and the doctor gave him a strawberry lollipop to him and praised him.

Taehyung whimper as he show his wrist to the elder and Jungkook giggle, asking for a bandage for Taehyung.

Right when they going back, Jungkook heard two nurse bad talking and being homophobic.

" Damn, I would never date a gay " She said as her other friend nod, agreed with her and laugh as they clean up some blood on the tray.

Jungkook stop his step and hand Hangyeol to the younger for him to carry and he went to the girls leaving a clueless Taehyung behind.

" And What make you think, you'd have a chance? " He glare at the two girls infront of him with hands across against his chest.

He see the way two of them gasp and before one of them reply, Jungkook answer it first.

" Our standards is higher than your job right now " Jungkook sway his hips as he's done talking with them leaving them in anger.

He intertwined his and Taehyung fingers then glaring at the two of them with small smirk because he know that the two of them has been staring at Taehyung from they first enter the hospital.

Yes, Kooleus it is.

" Hyung, What are talking with them? Why they gasping so much? " Taehyung question the elder and Jungkook just shrug it off saying ' nothing '.

Taehyung just follow up and they went to their car. Jungkook already enter the car first and he placing Hangyeol in baby seat.

He was about to get in the car but stop when see a really familiar man with bandage on his head.

" Father? "


To Be Continue

Readers : What author-nim had in her head again this time?

Readers : What author-nim had in her head again this time?

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