𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Soohyuk did come to the hospital where Taehyung admitted in it. He saw Taehyung already woke up from his sleep and he kneel on the floor again.

" I'm sorry Taehyung. I make your life living hell " Soohyuk cried and Taehyung give his ' father ' a small smile and he correct his sitting posture.

" Dad " Taehyung call the guy on his knees and that make Soohyuk cry even more.

Jungkook slowly carry a sleeping Hangyeol from Taehyung laps to outside and watch them from the small window personal ward.

" You should stand up. Why are you kneel on the dirty floor? " He giggle and spread his arm to welcome Soohyuk.

Soohyuk did get up from where he kneel and slowly he hug Taehyung tightly with tears dripping from his eye as he keep apologize to the young man.

" I forgive you, and leave it. It all in the past " Taehyung said in soft tone as he pat his father's back to calm his trembling.

Jungkook were smiling with his bunny teeth, out the room as he pat the sleeping baby while watching them in distance.

Taehyung make a hands sign to come into the room to join the warm hug and Jungkook did enter the room to hug them as the little one woke up.

" Mama, wan milk " Hangyeol whisper with his small hoarse voice as he just woke up from his deep sleep.

They chuckle and Jungkook take out Hangyeol's bag, wash it before make some milk for the little guy.

Hangyeol rub his hands with them hem of sleeves and make him cuter that make people in the room cooed to him.

Jungkook give his bottle milk and he lean his back to his father chest while Taehyung pat his lap.

" Dad, do you want to hold your grandchild? " Taehyung offered to the middle age man as Soohyuk nod his head and wipe his tears.

" He's all grow up " Soohyuk whisper to himself and he kinda off surprised seeing how fast Hangyeol had grown up.

He pick the little guy and place him on his laps before Hangyeol look up to him while he hold his bottle milk in his mouth.

" Are you papa's papa? " Hangyeol question to the middle age man and Soohyuk look at to Taehyung before nod his head saying " Yes "

" Now Gyeol have two papa and one mama? " Hangyeol question again as he jump on Soohyuk laps in excited.

" No baby, call him grandpa " Jungkook and Taehyung giggle seeing their child interaction with his grandfather.

Jungkook sat next to Taehyung and look how Taehyung smile widely to his child and father.

" I won't be back to him again and " Jungkook said to Taehyung as they locked their eye together.

" I love you " Jungkook continue as he kiss Taehyung's plump lips.

For the first time Jungkook utter the three words to him and that make him blush and happy at the same time.

Finally, his crush like him back- no Jungkook love him.

Jungkook chuckle again as he heard Taehyung's heartbeat beat like it gonna come out of his chest.

" I love you too " Taehyung reply and cupping Jungkook's fluffy cheeks before continue to kiss, forgotten the other two people in the room.

Soohyuk cough as he see the two bird being all lovey dovey in the room and he smile watching them as his hands covering Hangyeol's eyes as the little one sucking the milk.

They break the kiss and blush.

Not so long after that, a police come in the room and bring with a warrant paper to caught Soohyuk. Yes, he himself called them to arrest him.

He want to pay all the sin he did in the past and he don't want any trouble anymore.

" We will meet again and don't forget to visit me ehh? "

Soohyuk smile again to the small family and kiss each one of their forehead before leaving them with police dragging him to the car.

" Bye bye grandpa! " Hangyeol shout as he bid him a goodbye with his tiny hands.

" For sure dad " Taehyung reply with whisper and look down as Jungkook trying to calm the young man.

" We will visit him everyday. Don't worry " Jungkook said as he hug the young man and Hangyeol come to them and join the family hug.


One weeks has pass and they already went home with Taehyung in wheelchairs because he still couldn't walk yet.

Hangyeol also sometimes got trigger to something like a gun, blood and screaming.

For the times being, Taehyung and Jungkook will always by his side to protect him and telling him that his parents were there.

Even when they visit Soohyuk. Hangyeol was blindfold and Jungkook asked them to hide those gun behind their back as long as Hangyeol can't see them.

Surely it would take for years to cure PTSD but they won't give up and always be there for their child. Along for Taehyung MID, he also can control his other personality better.

They will forever still be in him but he already follow up the doctor suggest him and slowly getting better by Jungkook's support.

Soohyuk only got jail for four years for killing one people and meanwhile Bongseon will be in jail for the rest of her life.


To Be Continue

One last chapter left and i'll to write tonight.

Double update!

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