𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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A week has past, and Jungkook felt odd over his fiance as he keep asking him to get married sooner when their little bear still hasn't recovered mentally.

Jungkook untie the apron and place it on the chair. He was walking towards Taehyung bedroom but gasp when a hand grab his wrist.

" Who a- " Jungkook stop his sentence when look up to see shirtless Junseo with a creepy smirk curve his lip and not gonna lie, Jungkook's heart is boom boom.

He clear his throat before say " Let eat downstairs and call your father too " He finished but squeak when Junseo's face suddenly come closer to his.

His heartbeat fasten with eyes widen look at the shirtless handsome young man and Jungkook without his knowing, the hands slowly put over Junseo's shoulder.

Eye to eye. It been few minutes they stare at each other and Jungkook's felt the eye slowly change to soft where Taehyung always look at him.


" What if I don't want to? " The silence broke when Jungseo suddenly speak up with his deep voice and make his face closer to the elder as if they almost kiss but Jungkook dodge it.

His cheeks now red as strawberry.

He push the younger and step back a little and without saying anything, he just left the room then goes to his and Soohyuk's bedroom.

" Why your cheeks redden baby? " Soohyuk get up from the bed and adjust his shirt to walk closer to Jungkook.

" Umm, Its nothing. Let's eat downstairs " Jungkook said as he tried to walk away but stop when he felt a pairs of hands wrapping around his tiny waist.

" Why? Shy? Hmm baby " Soohyuk place his chin on his shoulder and Jungkook's heartbeat increase but in negative ways.

He don't know day by day Soohyuk kinda odd and not becoming himself after the day Taehyung almost attempted suicide near bridge.

He also started to felt uncomfortable around the elder now.

He tried to push Soohyuk's arms around his waist but the other tighten up even more making him whimper.

" Y-you hurting me " Jungkook don't know why he stutter but that just come out his mouth.

Soohyuk apologize the mistake he made, and kneel on the floor on one knees like he always does to propose the younger to get married soon.

" Can we just got married already? I've been waiting to marry you and I have invited our guest for our wedding day " Soohyuk hold Jungkook's dainty hands in his large palm.

Kissing the knuckle as his eye still looking at the younger who still in deep thought.

" Don't worry about Taehyung, I already paid psychiatrist to take care of him while we on our wedding and honeymoon " He continue and get up from the floor then hug Jungkook.

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