𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲

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A nurse checking on Jungkook's body to find any other bruised but there no sign other bruised other than his chin.

Soohyuk sat next to the bunny boy with their child sleeping next Jungkook's side. He's been worried about Jungkook after the nurse told him.

" How's was my wife? " The nurse caught of guard as she cough a little and answer the question.

" Nothing were serious, only the bruised which your elder son made it " She said it with a little bit hesitated.

Soohyuk staring at the floor for almost a minutes and break it as he ask another question to her.

" Why would my son do that? " He question her as he keep caressing Jungkook's dainty hands.

" Junseo said he ju- "

" Wait wait, what? Junseo? Who's that? " He cut off the nurse's sentence as confusion show on his face " My son's name is Taehyung " He continue.

The nurse also got confused.

" But he is your son that you brought last night, the day he tried to commit suicide " She tried to explained to him and Soohyuk look at her again.

" He tell me his name is Junseo and Taehyung is his other charac- " She stop when it hit them both.

She quickly run to find a doctor to made a check up and examination on Taehyung if he had mental health problem.

Soohyuk look at Jungkook back and kiss his forehead then whispers to his ear.

" You're mine, we getting married this week " He flinch when Jungkook chuckle but whimper in pain as his cheeks still hurt.

" I know but can we delay it? Our Taetae still hasn't recover " Jungkook whisper while looking at Soohyuk as he touch the elder face.

" I already invited everyone to our wedding, how can I cancelled it? It would be a waste of money " He tried to reassured the younger as he hold the dainty hands in his big hand.

Jungkook only humm because deep in his heart he still care about Taehyung and the words Junseo tell him that day.

Talking about Junseo, it clicked Jungkook mind as he want to ask about Taehyung.

" About Taehyung? Why he said he's Junseo? " Jungkook question the elder as he tried to get up and carry Hangyeol in his hands.

Soohyuk's expression almost show that he seem don't want to talk about Taehyung right now because he just want to talk about their wedding.

The faster the better.

" Umm, about that. I do- "

Before he finished the sentence, someone knocked the door and enter revealing the doctor.

" Mr. Kim, it about your son " The doctor stand infront of the door and about to ask Soohyuk to go into his office to tell about Taehyung but Jungkook prevent them to.

" Just tell it here " Jungkook look at them as the doctor sigh, placing the document on the table beside them.

" I confirm that your elder son who is Kim Taehyung are diagnosed D.I.D which is Dissociative Identity Disorder, depression and anxiety and here the result "  He explained as he gave the result to Jungkook who read it so serious.

" What do you mean by D.I.D? Can you explained it more details? " Soohyuk question the doctor as the other take off his spectacles.

" It means someone with DID has multiple, distinct personalities. The various identities control a person's behavior at different times. The condition can cause memory loss, delusions or depression. DID is usually caused by past trauma " He explained in more details making the both parents in shocked.

" I also thought that his other character which is Junseo is kinda of aggressive and both of you need tp be more careful in the future " He stop and continue.

" I guess you both as his parents need to focus on giving him more attention and does he have a trauma in the past? " The doctor question Soohyuk who seem in daze.

Soohyuk nodded his head and Jungkook held his hands.

" His biological mother always abused him when he was still a child when I'm not home and I never get to know until I back home without telling her and I saw she abusing him " Soohyuk told the past as Jungkook bit his lip.

The doctor nodded his head as he write something in the documents.

" Okay, I recommend to give Taehyung more love and attention " He tap Soohyuk shoulder and then ripping the paper to give the husband.

" Here the medicine slip for your wife and son " He gave the slip and left the room to take care of another patients.

Jungkook bit his lip and he got more worried of Taehyung's condition right now.

' How can I not realized the changed in him? He must be scared all along '

Jungkook thought to himself and flinched when Soohyuk held his hands to kiss the knuckles.

" Don't worry, we can face it together " Soohyuk tried to encourage the younger who just nod his head and he hug the sleeping baby.

" Don't you fucking realized that He love you ever since you tried to commit suicide? At that bridge?! "

The words Junseo said to him yesterday was still ringing in his head and the words talking about him being pregnant when he's not.

He don't want to get more stressed and just sleep with Hangyeol beside him as Soohyuk goes to the pharmacy to take medicine.

When they both sound asleep in the ward room, the a man figured with blood dripping from his veiny hands, looking at them with dark aura.


To Be Continue

Do you think Soohyuk love Jungkook for real or...?


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