𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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Taekook's fluff & jealous Bun?

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Taekook's fluff & jealous Bun?


Jungkook and Soohyuk went downstairs as the elder were going to business trip far away for week.

Jungkook just finish cooking their breakfast, serve his fiance as he limping to the table. Soohyuk giggle as he watch how Jungkook limping.

" Don't laugh " The bunny warn the other making Soohyuk laugh even more and grab his waist.

Placing the bunny boy on his lap and back hugging him. Jungkook's cheeks already light red and he punch the elder's shoulder softly.

Soohyuk only chuckle with his deep voice and kiss his forehead as Jungkook close his eye.

" I love you my wife " He murmur after kiss Jungkook's forehead.

" Love you too " Jungkook lean his forehead to the other but flinch as soon as he heard a fake cough from behind.

He jump off from Soohyuk's lap and straighten his posture to prepare their breakfast.

What a awkward situation.

Taehyung sat in between them, placing his elbows on table as Jungkook place the plate infront of him.


" Be careful on your way! " Jungkook shout as his fiance drove away with a bid goodbye to them after kiss their forehead.

Jungkook smile as he enter the house again only to meet Taehyung's eye who keep looking at him. He wave to the young man to come near him.

Taehyung did come closer to the bunny boy without any argue and he was taken back a little bit when his crush hug him.

" Now it only the three of us " Jungkook speak up and continue " Do you want to go amusement park? " Ask Jungkook which make his other personality excited.

Taehyung nod with his infamous boxy smile which make the elder giggle in return and with that they enjoy their day until night.

Jungkook were driving with Taehyung in the passenger seat and the baby in the back with his baby seat.

When they arrive there, it already at night. The sky full of rainbow colours of light from amusement park.

They look at in awestruck especially the baby keep bouncing on Taehyung's arm, getting excited by just looking at so many colourful around them.

A small family.

Jungkook and Taehyung chuckle at the baby cuteness as he kept let out gibberish words seeing here and there.

Taehyung look at Jungkook's hand from behind as Jungkook walk forward to find any game to play, he want to touch them but afraid it would make the elder uncomfortable.

Jungkook was smiling, showing his bunny smile to the younger and held Taehyung's other hand without realizing it and that make Taehyung's heartbeat skip even more.

" Soft " He whisper to himself and smile along with him as the baby fanning and clapping his hands when he heard his mother and 'father' laughing.

They keep walking until they saw a ferris wheel.

" Seem like a new married couple. You can go to the second number " A uncle teasing them as Jungkook paying it and they couldn't even say anything the uncle push them fast.

Taehyung were biting his lip to prevent from blushing at the uncle's words just now as Jungkook still clueless and just went in the ferries wheel.

" C-can we hold hands? I'm scared " Taehyung stutter, a little bit hesitated but Jungkook just smile and hold his hands.

After that, Hangyeol was pooping in his diapers and they stop at the public toilet as Jungkook went to change the baby's diapers.

Taehyung was left alone with a breastmilk bottle which is Hangyeol's outside the toilet and the unlucky is there a woman coming near him.

" Hey handsome! What are you doing here alone? " She said as she running her dirty finger on Taehyung's chest which make him uncomfortable.

Taehyung don't want to pick a fight and he raised Hangyeol's bottle milk to give them sign that he's married.

" But, we can sleep for one night right? " She slur her words and tried to pull Taehyung's hands which he avoid.

" Ggukie, please be fast " Taehyung secretly praying to himself not wanting to make a scene in the public.

" Bitch, if i kill you are you dead dead or just not breathing? " A familiar voice suddenly appeared as Jungkook give Hangyeol to Taehyung.

Looking at the girl in the eye with a sharp death stare to her and she push Jungkook out of sudden. Jungkook was about to throw hand but stop when Taehyung hold his wrist.

" Come on bitch! Hit me! " She shout trying to catch people attention but Jungkook roll his eye only.

" No need cause it would be animal abuse " Smirk after it as Taehyung gasp in shock and smile in proud of his crush savages.

The people surround them also make applause leaving the woman who embarrassed at the humiliate and left the scene.

Taehyung give high five to Jungkook as they laugh at the moment and goes for a little walk with Hangyeol sleeping on Taehyung shoulder.


To Be Continue

Im sorry bcs not update for awhile..

Chapter 16 teaser 👇


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