welcome to neverland

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Brookes POV:

I was in my room. I was sick and tired of my life.

People bullied me at school, they called me names and some would hit me. I only had one friend but she really doesn't see me outside of school.

My mom loved me and stuff but my dad, well he was the opposite. My dad beats me. Well, only when he's drunk. Or angry. Or sad. It hurts the most when he's sad. Luckily he was rarely sad.

My dad was angry because his "nemesis" at work got a promotion so he beat me. I was sick and tired of the beatings so I stood up for myself, and what happens? Well he unleashes even more anger on me, much worse than normal. He always called me a worthless bitch so he took and knife and cut 'worthless' on my wrist. It left a nasty scar.

I got in bed and turned out the lights. I always looked out the window near my bed at the stars and prayed for a miracle. But I end up falling asleep looking out at the stars.

*1:00 am

My eyes fluttered open and I saw a dark figure with glowing yellow eyes. It came toward me and grabbed my wrist. Next thing I know I can see a bunch of buildings below me. I look up and see the night sky and all the stars. I begin to freak out and end up blacking out.

I woke up on the beach. I sat up and looked around. It looked like some sort of forest. I saw I was in shorts and a tank top. I stood up and rubbed my head.

"Where the hell am I?" I groaned to myself.

Peters POV:

I was at camp with the lost boys. They were doing their normal assignments around camp. Then I felt a new presence a really strange new presence. Someone new was on the beach. I walked over to Felix.

"Felix, I'll be right back. You can handle things here, right?" I asked.


I then teleported to a beach that wasn't too far from camp. I saw someone lying in the sand. They sat up and looked around. I leaned against a tree next to me. I folded my arms across my chest. I continued to watch them. It almost looked like a girl, wait it was a girl... She stood up.

"Where the hell am I?" she groaned rubbing her head.

"Well you're in Neverland of course." I said getting her attention.

She turned around quickly and freaked out when she saw me.

"Who are you?" She asked grabbing something out of her pocket.

"Oh did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan."

Brooke's POV:

"Who are you?" I asked grabbing my pocket knife out of my pocket.

"Oh did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan." He said walking toward me.

Peter Pan? Isn't he a fairytale?

He was standing about 3 feet away from me. I looked at him and I noticed he had green eyes. He had a smirk on his face. And a British accent which was kinda cute.

"You're Pan?" I chuckled.


"Like Peter Pan?"

"Yeah.." He said with a serious look on his face.

I started laughing. I almost fell on the ground I was laughing so hard.

"What's so funny?" he asked looking slightly angry.

"How am I to believe you are Peter Pan? Peter Pan is only a fairytale." I was laughing uncontrollably.

"A fairytale? Oh, I'll make you believe." he smirked and disappeared.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw him.

"Oh shit!" I yelled and backed up a few steps.

He picked me up bridal style and we started flying up in the air. I looked around and freaked out. How the hell are we flying?! This is insane!

"Ok I believe you!" I yelled.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." I could hear the cockiness in his voice.

"I fucking believe you! Now let me down!" I yelled out.

"Ok." he shrugged and dropped me.

I was freefalling and I was going to die.

"PAN!!!! Help me!!" I yelled hoping that he'd save me.

He swooped in and caught me and set me down on the ground. I was shaking a lot.

"So you're Peter Pan..."

"Yes and now that you know who I am, who are you?" he asked walking toward me until my back was against a tree.

"Why would I tell you that? How do I know that I can trust that you won't hurt me in anyway?"

"Oh trust me I won't hurt you." he had me against the tree, he then brought a dagger close to my neck. "That is if you behave." he smirked. "So tell me your name." he put the cold dagger against my neck.

"Brooke, I'm Brooke." I said still trying to look confident, I was scared out of my mind. If Peter wasn't holding on to me I might of just lost my balance. This dude is scaring the crap out of me.

"Brooke. I like it." he said slowly and backed up.

I almost fell but luckily didn't.

"Alright let's get you back to camp."

"Camp?" I asked.

"Yes, now let's go." he said.

I looked at him for a second and then started sprinting in another direction. I was quite fast. I saw a really tall tree and climbed up it and hid there for a while.

I could hear something going on down below me. I looked through the branches and leaves and saw it was Pan.

Peter's POV:

Silly silly Brooke. She can't hide from me on my island. I ran after her. I could see where she attempted to hide and walked toward the tree.

"Hello Brooke." I said smirking.

No response.

"Brooke. I can see you. Don't make me come up there to get you."


"Alright. You leave me with no choice." I said and climbed up the tree getting to her quickly.

"Hello Brooke." I said with a devilish smile.

I grabbed her ankle and she freaked out trying to break out of my grip. She tried to find a way to escape but couldn't. I grabbed her and put her over my shoulder so I could climb down the tree.

"No more escaping love, okay?" I said and she didn't respond.

I climbed down and she then started squirming.

"Oh calm down." I chuckled and put a sleeping spell on her and headed back to camp.

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