meeting henry

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Peter's POV:

"Clothes and makeup?" I asked chuckling.

"Yes. I really like clothes. And makeup makes me feel beautiful."

Well honestly she doesn't need the makeup. Almost every boy who sets eyes on her is hypnotized, even me sometimes.

"Well honestly I don't think you need the makeup to be beautiful." I said and didn't even realize I said that until I saw her staring at me. I face palmed myself and saw her smile a little. "Did I just say that out loud?"

"Yes, and it was sweet." She said squeezing my cheek.

"So can you use your magic healing powers me again? I'm feeling sore." she asked.

"Sure." I said and reached for her shirt. "Umm may I?"

"Yeah." she said awkwardly.

I lifted her shirt and saw the bruises. It looked better then it did not too long ago.

"Wow, it's starting to look a lot better." I said with a small smile. I waved my hand over the wound. It looked a lot better after I used my magic.

"Hey, maybe if I try one more time I can heal your bruises."

"I think you may have bruised my ribs so you gotta fix that."

I waved my hand over again and saw the bruising go away. And I used a lot of magic to heal her ribs as well.

"Peter you did it." she smiled and hugged me.

I held her in my arms and didn't want the moment to end. Eventually we let go and she still smiled. But then an expression of sadness faded on to her face.

"Umm.. can you heal one more thing for me?" she asked.

"Yeah what is it?"

"One night my father was beating me and he..." she paused.

"He what?" I asked sympathetically.

"He cut something on my wrist. I've been wanting it to fade away but it just... there." she said with no emotion.

"Yeah, ok." I said and she pulled up her sleeve.

There were lots of scars on her wrist. But then I saw what one she was talking about. It said 'worthless'.

"It's been there for a long time. It's been there so long that I'm almost beginning to believe that I really am a worthless bitch as my father would say."

I waved my hand over her arms and all of her scars faded away.

"When I fought Felix, when you said I shouldn't get hurt in a fight for you and you weren't worth it... Is that why you said that?"

She remained silent. Tears were forming in her eyes.

"Thank you Peter. I'm uhh, gonna go down to the fire." she stood up and began to walk away but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in close to me.

"I'm sorry your father did that to you."

"It's ok, it's not your fault."

I looked down at her, her eyes were like jewels. I began to lean in and she simply looked up at me then looked down at the ground. She backed up and held my hands. She looked up at me.

She stood silently as a tear fell down her cheek, and walked out of the room.

I stood there. I felt anger build up inside me, I felt more dark than normal. I teleported somewhere away from camp. I yelled and punched a tree. Again. I grabbed on to my hair and began to breathe really fast and heavily. Then I felt something fall on my face, like water. I looked up to see if it was raining. I saw clouds but it wasn't raining. I wiped my cheek with my hand and saw tears. I was crying? Because of Brooke? No I do not have feelings for Brooke. I can't. I'm Peter Pan, and no girl is going to make me weak.

Brooke's POV:

I walked out of my room and walked out to camp. I sat down near the fire when I saw a boy who was different from all the other lost boys. He had a red plaid shirt on with jeans, his hair was brown and he had hazel eyes. He looked younger than me. He walked over and sat down next to me.

"Hey." he said.

"Hey, I'm Brooke."

"I'm Henry." he said with a big grin.

Then I heard something. It was my watch. I looked at it and saw Regina, Emma, and Snow.

"Oh my god." I said in shock.

"Hey, Brooke we wanted to let you know were trying to find Pan's camp and were coming to save you and Henry. Where is he by the way?" Emma asked.

"I'm right here mom." Henry said and looked at my watch with a huge smile on his face.

"Henry! We're coming to get you! We love you!" Regina said.

"I love you too mom." he smiled.

"Ok but we are trying to find Pan's hideout but we'll find you guys soon." Snow said.

"Damn it, the call is ending! We'll be there soon and we love you!" Emma said quickly and they were gone.

"I knew they'd come for me." Henry smiled.

"So is that your family?" I asked getting slightly jealous.

"Yeah. My family, it's quite crazy. What's your family like?" He asked with a kind smile.

I honestly didn't know if I should've told him or not, I didn't want to make him sad.

"Uhh I'd rather not talk about it." I simply said and looking into fire.

"Ok. Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope." I said popping the p and chuckled. "I've always wanted a little brother though."

"Yeah. I'm an only child too."

"Your family seems great." I smiled.

"Yeah, they are. And we always find each other."

"Your family seems to really care about you. Mine would never go to all that trouble to find me."

"I'm sure they would."

"No they wouldn't." I chuckled.

"Well, what's so bad about your family?"

"Nobody really cares about me... Well accept my mom. She was the only person who loved me." I said getting sad.

"I'm so sorry." Henry said and hugged me.

I hugged him back as a tear slipped. I quickly wiped it away and smiled.

"Thanks Henry. I'm gonna go to my room, wanna come?" I smiled weakly.

"No thanks, I'll stay here. Maybe another time when Pan isn't watching us." he chuckled causing me to look around and see Peter's eyes getting dark as he watched us.

Oh no...

"Ok I'm gonna go before he tries to kill me. Again." I said and ran up to my room.

I sat down on my bed. I lied down and watched outside.

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