10 minutes feels like forever

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Carsons POV:

I saw Brooke and Pan walk into camp. I looked over at Brooke, She looked so beautiful. Her eyes sparkled and her smile radiated joy. She looked over at me. I smiled at her and she smiled at me. Pan glared at me so I went back to what I was doing.

Then I saw out of the corner of my eye Brooke and Pan talking. Pan had a look of jealousy on his face. I wonder what he could possibly be jealous of.

"Carson!" Brooke yelled catching my attention.

I saw her running over toward me.

"Brooke? We aren't supposed to be-"

She interrupted me by jumping into my arms.

"We have 10 minutes."

"Oh that's great!" I said smiling.

I saw Pan was watching us. He looked really pissed so I put Brooke down. I really don't want to get on Pans bad side.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

Brooke's POV:

"What did Pan say to you the night you took my place in the punishment?"

"Well... He said to stay away from you or else he'd punish you worse then he ever has."

"He wouldn't."

"He just might. Pan doesn't lie when it comes to peoples pain."

I was shocked but I wasn't. I expected Pan to be ruthless but I'm not sure if he's changing.

"But the thing I'm confused about," he paused and looked over at Pan. "is why Pan is letting us talk now...."

"Hmm I honestly have no idea either."

"Maybe he's trying to get your good side."

"I don't know. Maybe..."

Peters POV:

I was leaning up against a tree watching Brooke and Carson talk and laugh. It was killing me to watch them but maybe this would help me get on Brooke's good side. Maybe she'd be thankful or whatever. Then Felix walked up to me.

"Aren't they supposed to not be talking?" he asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Yes but I'm giving them 10 minutes."

"Oh. Why?"

"Well I want to get on Brooke's good side."

"Ah, ok. So how long has it been."

"4 minutes."


"Yeah, and it's killing me. I just want to split it up right now. Too much affection."

"Or you're jealous?" he asked raising his eyebrows slightly.

"What? Jealous? Goodness no." I said throwing my arms I the air for dramatic affect.

"I think you are, Pan..." he teased.

"Shut up."

Then I drew my attention toward Brooke and Carson. They we laughing and talking and having a great time. Brooke had a beautiful smile. She should show it to me more. I wish that I could be Carson in this situation. Being able to talk to her and see those beautiful oceans that she calls eyes. To see her beautiful-

"Ow!" I yelled as I felt pain on my side.

I noticed I was on the ground. I fell.

"Pan! You alright?" Felix asked.

I looked over and saw Brooke and Carson looking over here.

"yeah I was uhh..."

"Wow you're falling for Brooke, literally."

"Just stop. I was in deep thought and fell." I shrugged.

"About Brooke?"

"No Felix!"

I realized they only had one minute left. Finally it's about time.

Brooke's POV:

"Yeah, he was pretty mad." he laughed as he explained a story about how he played a prank on Felix one time.

"Alright Brooke, times up." Pan said walking over to us and grabbing my arm.

"Bye Carson." I said as I stood up.

"Goodbye Brooke." he said with a small smile.

Pan took me away from Carson and up to the treehouse. We walked toward the couches and he let go of my wrist. He turned around and began to walk away.

"Hey Pan.."

"Yes?" he spun on his heel and stood right in front of me.

"I uhh wanted to thank you for uhh letting me talk to Carson for a little while." I put my hands into my pockets.

"No problem, but don't expect to be talking to him for a while." he said pointing at me.

"I know. But I still wanted to just thank you." I smiled.

"Oh, ok. But don't try to convince me to let you two talk again." he shrugged.

"I won't," I chuckled. "Bye Pan."

He grabbed my wrist as I began to walk away.


"Oh, so you want me to call you Peter again?" I asked smirking.

"Yes, or daddy works too." he smirked then winked.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I stood on my tip-toes and kissed his cheek. I swear I saw him blush a little.

"Goodbye Peter Pan."

"Goodbye Brooke."

And with that I waked upstairs to my bedroom. I lied down an looked up at the ceiling.

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