the lake

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{Day 2}

Brooke's POV:

I woke up and saw that the sun was shining brightly, brighter than normal actually. I got out of bed and saw clothes and a note with it.


Meet me by the lake when you wake up. And go ask one of the boys how you'd get to the lake.


I smiled to myself and grabbed the green bikini and towel he left. So no t-shirt or shorts? Thanks Felix. I changed and walked down to camp and saw most of the boys were there. They stared at me like I was the only girl they'd seen in a million years. Well they haven't seen a girl in a bikini for most of their lives. I walked up to Fred who I haven't talked to in a while.

"Hey how do I get to the lake from here?" I asked walking toward the group of boys.

"Oh uhh you have to uhh walk out that way." Fred said nearly drooling. "Then uhh... uhhhh"

I noticed his eyes scanned my entire body.

"Hello, my eyes are up here." I raised an eyebrow and the others made 'ooo' or 'ohh' noises. After all that there was a moment of silence.

"So how do I get to the lake?"

"After you go out that way you'll see a path that goes right. Go on that path and eventually you'll see trees that don't look like the trees you'd normally see." a lost boy smiled. I have seen him around camp but never got to talk to him.

He seemed totally chill with me having a bikini on. He was drooling like the rest. He looked around my age. Brown spiked up hair, brown eyes with hints of gold, dimples, and a perfect smile.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm Tyler. We haven't really gotten to talk that much." he said combing his fingers through his hair.

"Well thank you Tyler." I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Hey what about me?" Fred asked sounding a little betrayed.

"Yes, and thank you Fred." I smiled at him.

"Ahhh." he said and looked off into the distance like he was having a daydream.

Then I strolled out of camp casually and headed to the lake that was near by camp. Then I saw beautiful willow trees. I saw the water and walked toward it. A gigantic willow tree was on a mini island in the middle of the lake and it was over most of the water.

"Wow..." I said mesmerized.

The water glistened as the sun shined on it. I looked at my reflection and saw that my hair was actually pretty for once. Then I thought that maybe Felix was running a little late.

I was going to jump in the lake and swim a little before Felix got here. I went to put my towel near a tree when I saw Peter leaning on the tree smirking. He was wearing green trunks that matched the color of my bikini and a white t-shirt.

"What are you doing here?" I asked rolling my eyes placing my towel near another tree.

"I know about your little meeting with Felix, the note." he held up the note. "Also all the boys were all drooling and acting all lovestruck while staring at the exit of the camp."

I looked up at him.

"Ok well can you go now?"

"Hmm... no." he shrugged.


"Because I can do what I want on my island. And I want to swim."

"Why not th-"

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