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{Day 1}

Peter's POV:

I walked away and left Brooke standing in the middle of camp. I sat against a tree and put my hands on my head digging my nails into my skull.

"Angry?" someone asked.

I looked up and saw Tinkerbell.

"Hey Tink, what are you doing here?" I asked looking back down.

"Walking around, so why are you so angry?"

"It's Brooke."


"Yeah, she came to the island recently and she wants to see Baelfire. Some how she knows him." I stood up and started pacing. "How will she react when she finds out that I've had him here? What will happen when-" I was interrupted with Tinkerbell flicking pixie dust at me.

She looked slightly annoyed like I've told her this a million times. But I felt calm so I stood and stared at her.

"Sorry, you were loosing your chill. But everything with this Brooke girl will be fine." Tink said.

"How are you so sure?" I asked calmly leaning against a tree and folding my arms across my chest.

"I just know it." she said reassuringly.

I took a deep breath and looked at the ground then back up at her.

"Thanks Tink." I said and smiled slightly.

I stood up and gave her a hug. Tink is the only person who can calm me down besides Brooke. But sometimes she has to use magic to calm me down were Brooke, well she doesn't. I just hope he won't hate me for this. She gave me a hug. I hugged her back.

"Don't be afraid Peter."

She let go and disappeared.

"Alright." I smiled and walked away from where we were.

I walked over to the cages and stood in front of Balefire's cage. I took a deep breath and lowered it. I opened it then backed up.

"What's going on?" he asked emotionless still sitting in the cage.

"Lets just say someone wants to see you." I said looking at him in the cage.

Brookes POV:

I was watching Carson arm wrestle one of the other lost boys. They were neck and neck when Carson looked up and saw me watching. He then slammed the other boys arm down and a smirk appeared on his face. I smiled back. All the other boys went away accept for Ryan and Daniel. Of course. They saw me and shot a glare and began to walk over. I stood up as they got closer. I was then unexpectedly tackled to the ground. Daniel sat on me and pinned my wrists to the ground. Ryan then stood to my left so he could see both of us.

"What do you want Daniel?!" I asked trying to get him off of me.

"What's up with you and Pan?" he asked glaring at me.


"You heard me, now answer." he said through gritted teeth.

"Nothing is up with me and Pan. Now get off of me!"

"You're lying. What are you giving Pan? Did you two make some kind of exchange? Because he has been acting different ever since you showed up. He's not being himself. He's being more kind and caring, he made us breakfast for crying out loud! And he's been hanging with you, talking to you more." Daniel said putting more pressure on my wrists.

"I gave him nothing! And isn't him being nicer and shit a good thing?! Wouldn't you want a leader who is kind and caring?"

"No, that means he's becoming weak."

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