Getting out of the cage

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Peters POV:

I came back to camp. I was going to talk to Brooke when I over heard people talking near Brooke's cage. I put an invisibility spell on myself and leaned against a tree in the clearing. Felix lowered her cage and let her out.

"Hello Brooke." Felix said.

"What do you want Felix?" Brooke said with fear in her voice.

"I know how cramped these cages can get..."

"What do you want?"

"I'm not here to hurt you Brooke. I'm here to talk."

There were a few seconds of silence.

"About what?"


Me? Why would Felix talk to her about me? Behind my back?

"What about him?"

"He's going crazy."


"He thinks you totally hate him."

I looked down at the ground. Great. Now I'm gonna hear her say how much she hates me. While I'm standing right here.

"He kidnapped me, trapped me on an island, he has tortured me, and nearly killed me yesterday."

I looked up at her and saw tears forming into her eyes. Yup, she hates me.

"But I don't hate him."

Wait, she doesn't hate me?

"Why don't I hate him?"

You could see confusion in her eyes. You could look into her electric blue eyes and see how she felt at any given moment.

"I-I don't know."

"It's like he's an angel when he smiles but then the next second..." she paused. "It's like he's the devil. The look in his eyes. It's almost like they are searching for something to kill." she cried.

I didn't know what to say. I felt anger raging inside of me. I wanted to run and start punching a tree but I didn't. Then what I saw made me want to kill Felix. She hugged Felix and cried into his chest. He rubbed her back in circles.

"Hey, it's ok. It's ok."

It seemed to work. A minute later she let go him and backed up.

"I'm sorry about that." she laughed wiping a tear away.

"It's ok. Listen I want you to be able to trust me. I'm sorry I tried to hurt you that one day. I was so angry. I thought I was going to lose my best friend to you."

"It's fine. I'm just glad you didn't try to kill me."

"So lets start over, I'm Felix."

"And I'm Brooke." she chuckled, wiping a tear away as they shook hands.

"Well I bet Pan is wondering where I am. I'll see you later." He said.

"Ok." she sighed and walked into her cage.

He locked her cage and raised it up. He began walking away so I snapped my fingers and I was back into my tent. I walked out and saw Felix at the fire. I decided to go over and sit next to him.

"Hey Pan I was wondering where you were." he said looking over at me.

"I was out at my thinking spot for a while." I lied.

"What did you need to think about?" he asked.


"Oh, yeah. You thinking she hates you."

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