who are you?

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{Day 4}

Brooke's POV:

I turned out the lights and climbed into bed. I shut my eyes and didn't even bother to change. I was too lazy to and I was pretty tired. Peter and I were out watching the fairies and gazing at the stars for a while. I was sprawled out across my bed and fell asleep fairly quick.

I saw a chair in the center of a dark room and someone in a dark cloak sat in it. Oh great this dream again. And notice the sarcasm. They stood up and walked toward me.

"Hello Brooke."

"What do you want?"

"That was some kiss you and Peter had."

"How'd you know about that?"

"I know quite a lot Brooke. But how was it? Was it... magical?"

"Look he would've had to owe me that kiss eventually." I said with a shrug.

"Uh huh. When you made that bet why did you accept a kiss as a prize?"

"I don't know. I couldn't think of anything I'd really want." I started to pace a little.

I started pacing faster in a straight line in front of him.

"Yeah, sure. Okay." he scoffed.

"Really!" I said throwing my hands into the air for dramatic effect still pacing.

"You like him."

I started to slow down.

"No I-I don't." I lied.

"Then after the kiss he owed you, why did you kiss him again?"

"I got caught up in the moment okay. Now can we drop it."

"Hmm.. that kiss yes, but Peter... no."

"Oh, come on!" I stopped and glared at him.

"Do you believe me yet?"

"About what?" I asked sounding clueless.

"You know what, now do you believe me?"

"uhh no." I began to pace again.

I could tell he was observing my actions, my every movement. It was kinda creepy.

"You are such a bad liar. You need to learn how to lie. But not the subject. You do like Peter and you do believe me. Just admit it!"

I stopped pacing and held my fists at my sides.

"No! I am not in love with him and I never will love him!" I yelled, it echoed all around the room.


"No! I don't love him. I won't fall for him and I never will." I said calming down.

"You will. You are."

"No I am not!" I yelled turning away from him.

I looked down at my hands and began to twiddle my thumbs. Then I heard footsteps advance in my direction. A hand gently landed on my shoulder.

"Brooke, look at me." they said.

I was staring at my fingers, I zoned out. They took my shoulder and turned me around.


He put both of his hands on my shoulders. I was very shocked that I still couldn't see his face, especially up close.

"Why can't I still not see your face? Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"You do believe me and you are falling for him. I know you don't want to admit it because of you fear of loving and letting people in but you know it's true deep down." he said ignoring my questions.

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