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Brooke's POV:

I woke up and looked up at the ceiling. The stars still twinkled on my ceiling and I smiled. Then I realized someone was holding on to me. I remembered that Luke was with me in my room . Expecting Luke I looked over and saw Peter instead.

"Pancake? What are you doing here?" I giggled because of the new nickname I gave him.

I shook him a little to try and wake him up.

"Hello." he said in a deep, raspy voice and smirked.

"Hello, now what were you doing in my bed? And where's Luke?"

"He we got back so I let him go and you were cold."

"So you don't just put me under the covers?"

"Nope." he had a mischievous grin on his face.


"Don't call me Pancake."

"But it's funny."

"Whatever, but what is it?" he rolled his eyes and smirked. When is he ever not smirking?

"Is it ironic that I want pancakes?" I smirked.


"So can we make pancakes?" I asked making a puppy face.

"Ok, lets go make pancakes." he chuckled and held his hand out.

I took it and he guided me down to the kitchen.

"You know that it would be cannibalism if you ate pancakes."

"Ehh, who cares." he said then a smirk formed onto his lips.

He got out pans and I got the ingredients. We were making the batter when Peter disappeared.

"Peter? I'm not making these all alone!" I yelled.

I turned around and he was right there, he threw flour in my face and laughed.

"Oh, that's it!" I said and threw flour at him.

He sneezed and I laughed.

"You sneeze like a kitten." I laughed.

He threw flour at me again and I sneezed. He laughed at me.

"So do you!" he laughed and that was when our flour war began.

20 minutes later we were covered in flour and it got everywhere. He shook his head and flour came flying off of his hair.

"Oh my goodness," I looked around and laughed. "look at the mess we made."

He looked around and smiled. He waved his hand in the air.

"Well it's a good thing we have magic here."

All the flour disappeared and we were cleaned up.

"Ok lets make these pancakes, Pancake." I said walking over to the batter.

We poured batter onto the pans and made so many pancakes. After all the batter was gone there were enough pancakes to last a lifetime. Ok not really but it was a lot of pancakes. Peter then hugged me from behind me. He rested his chin on my head. We stood there and slowly swayed back and fourth.

"We made a lot of Pancakes." I said putting my arms over his.

"Yes we did, we make a great team." he moved his head so it rested on my shoulder.

"Yes we do." I said looking over at him and smiled.

He smiled back. This was a true genuine smile. Not some sarcastic or wicked or evil smile but a real smile, he looked truly looked happy and not like a demon.

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