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Peter's POV:

After training and after everyone got cleaned up I made an announcement.

"Alright everyone. As you may know Brooke has gone missing. I'm going with a search party to find her tonight. If anyone want to volunteer to come that would be great. Now if you want to come then we leave in 5 minutes." I said and walked away to get ready to go.

About 5 of the boys volunteered and that's all I needed. We went off and searched for Brooke.

Brooke's POV:

I walked over to the place where they were letting me sleep and lied down. I looked up at the stars for a while and I realized everyone was asleep. So I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Peters POV:

We walked up to the camp where the savior was keeping Brooke from me.

"Is this it?" Carson asked in a whisper.

"Yes. She's here." I said and smirked.

We snuck in silently and someone whispered my name.

"Pan, she's over here." they whispered gesturing me over.

I walked over and saw Brooke peacefully asleep.

"I found you Brooke." I smirked and picked her up.

"Alright, now let's go wake her up. I have to talk with her." I smirked and we snuck away with Brooke.

We walked far off and tied her to a tree. She was one deep sleeper. I then woke her up by shaking her a little. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up.

Brooke's POV:

My eyes fluttered open and guess who I saw, Pan. I instantly freaked out.

"Pan?? H-how did you find me??" I asked trying to break free from the rope.

"Well hello to you too." He said with smirk.

"B-but, I escaped."

"You're so silly Brooke. You think you can escape but you can't, there is no escaping Neverland. At least not with out my permission." He paused. "And since you tried to escape again, I think it's time for punishment."

"Punishment? What are you gonna do to me? Kill me?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

It almost seems like suicide is the only way off this damned island.

"Oh no, death is too good for you. You need to suffer." He said with his eyes turning dark.

The other boys had smirks on their faces accept for one. That was the boy who was holding me while Pan and Felix were fighting. Uh... Carl? No it's... Carson!

"Boys, you can head back to camp now. I can handle this." Pan said.

They walked off but the one. He looked at me sympathetically. Pan glared at him and he immediately ran away. Pan pulled out a dagger and walked up to me with it. He then put it up against my cheek and moved it around.

"So tell me Brooke how do you want to be punished?" Pan asked me.


"Alright I'll choose." he said and punched me in the face.

I looked up at him. He smirked and punched me again. This time I smirked.

"Wow, for being so powerful I thought you wouldn't hit like a girl." I said and spit blood in his direction.

His eyes got darker. They were almost black. He snapped his fingers and I was tied to a chair. He punched me and kicked me.

"Seriously how weak are you?" I scoffed.

He snapped his fingers and I was once again tied to the tree. He pulled out his dagger again and stabbed my side. I screamed in pain as tears were falling from my eyes. He waved his hand over where he stabbed me and the pain went away. He stabbed me again on the other side and I screamed in pain. He twisted the knife making me scream even louder.

"How's that for weak?" he asked with a wicked grin.

I thought my dad hurt but this was just hell. Tears were flooding from my eyes. Pan had a smirk on his face. He took it out and healed me. He the stabbed me in the arm. I watched as my arm bled out. I really wished I was dead. He took it out and healed me again. I took shaky breaths.

"Now are you ever going to leave me again?" He asked.

I looked up at him. I was to traumatized to respond.

He stabbed me in the stomach and asked me, "I said, are you ever going to leave me again?"

I shook my head no.

"Say it." he growled.

"I'll n-never try to-" I took a deep breath and cried.

"Say it!"

"I'll never try to escape!" I cried just wanting him to take out the dagger.

He pulled it out.

"Good. Now say your mine." he said.

"I'm y-yours." I whispered in pain.

He healed me for the most part and untied me. I fell to the ground. I was about to cry when I realized Pan was still there. No more crying in front of Pan. I took a deep breath and got up, looking at Pan.

"Let's go back to camp." he smirked and grabbed my arm.

We began walking to camp. It was silent the whole way. His eyes were still dark but not black like they were before. We walked back into camp and I saw the lost boys were doing stuff around camp. Some of the lost boys looked over at us and saw dried blood all over me. And he says I have anger issues. The one boy who held me looked upset. The others were totally neutral, almost like they were used to it. Pan walked me into his tent.

"Sit down." he said gesturing to his bed and I still stood. "Sit. Down." he said glaring daggers into me and I sat. "Now listen. You do not escape anymore or else your consequences will be worse." he said pacing slowly. "Understand?"

I nodded.

"Do you understand?" He asked raising his voice.

"Yes." I said.

"Good. Now I'm placing you in a cage. You will be able to come out of the cage tomorrow night." Pan said and standing looking down at me.

"Stand up." he said.

I stood up. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to where he kept the cages. He opened one and pushed me in. He locked it as I fell and looked back at him.

"Alright boys raise it up." He said sounding more calm and I felt like I was being raised up. There were little cracks in the cage that let me see the outside. I saw Pan look up and walk away.

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