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Day 7

Peters POV:

I walked into a trail with Brooke in the forest. Honestly I have no idea where I should take her. I've taken her to so many places in Neverland. Where haven't I taken her?

"So where are we going?" Brooke asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Didn't you want it to be a surprise?" I smirked.

"I did. But now I really want to know." she said sounding like a little kid who was on a sugar high.

"Well I'm keeping it a surprise." I said as I gently took her hand.

Nice save. So where could I take her? Hmm... Then I got an idea. I can take her everywhere. So there should be a cliff nearby. Once we got to the cliff she smiled at me.

"Wow... this is a beautiful view." she said resting her head on my arm looking out at the view

"Well don't get too comfortable. We won't be here long." I said a I reached for a small bag of pixie dust in my pocket. Good thing I always keep a bag with me.

"What's that?" she asked lifting her head observing the bag.

I reached in the bag and sprinkled some of the dust over the both of us.

"Pixie dust." I smiled putting the bag back in my pocket. "Now, do you trust me?"

"Yeah. Of course I do."

"Then jump."

"Wait what??" she asked taking a step back.

"Watch me." I said and ran off the cliff.

"Peter!" she yelled running toward the edge.

I started to glow green as I flew back up to the edge and waited in front of her. I smirked as her jaw dropped.

"Holy shit. Peter, you're–"

"Flying. That's the surprise. I wanted to take you to see your future home." I smiled putting my hands behind my back.

"Don't get too cocky." she chuckled raising an eyebrow.

"So do you want to fly?" I reached my hand out to her.

"Yeah!" she said, taking my hand.

She started to glow green too and we flew away from the cliff. She laughed as we flew hand-in-hand. Trees passed us by very quickly. We could see a lot of Neverland from here.

"Peter, this is amazing!" she giggled like a little kid.

"I'm glad your enjoying this." I smiled.

I looked over and smiled at her as she looked all around us. She was looking at Neverland, I was looking at my world. I'm so glad she happy. Honestly I really want her to stay, but if that doesn't make her happy then she doesn't have to. All I really want is for her to be happy.

For a while I showed her different places in Neverland. I was just about to show her Mermaid Lagoon. It's a really beautiful place during the day. The mermaids are really kind during the day but at night they are demons. But it's still day so I figured she'd love to see it. As we landed she smiled with delight.

"So where are we Peter?"

"This is Mermaid Lagoon. The home of the mermaids. They're very kind during the day but they're pretty demon-like at night. So only come here during the day."

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