round 2 of punishment

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Peters POV:

Brooke immediately ran off as soon as I started counting down.

"3...2...1..." I smirked as I got to one.

I ran and the boys followed behind. They scattered to find Brooke. They came back and couldn't find her. But Carson and Luke weren't back yet.

"Where did Luke and Carson check?" I asked one of the boys.

"The echo caves." Michael responded.

"Alright I'll go and try to find them." I said and teleported inside the cave.

I saw Brooke sitting on a rock facing away from me. I walked up behind her.

"The echo caves, great choice." I said smirking and folding my arms across my chest.

She just sat there. No reaction what so ever.

"I choose the shirt." I said and appeared in front of her.

Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. But right now she had shown no emotion. She slowly took off her shirt and handed it to me. She looked down at the ground avoiding eye contact. I looked at her and saw new bruises and old scars on her stomach. Also there were the ones on her arms I got rid of. Brooke was one beaten up girl. But she was strong as hell. She looked totally broken, destroyed.

"Hey, are you okay?"

She said nothing. She looked up at me and her eyes said everything.

"There's no hope." She said almost as if she were talking to herself, "There's no escape. There's no way I can escape."

She stood up and started pacing back and fourth.

"But there has to be a way. I can't be trapped here forever." she backed into a corner and looked around almost as if she were frightened.

She sat down in the corner and began to rock back and fourth.


"There is no escaping the devil." she repeated over and over silently.

The devil? Well that hurts... But it's kinda true.

"Brooke...?" I squatted down so I was at eye level with her.

Then I saw her arm. There was a cut with purple on it. She must of been exposed to Nightshade. Its a poison found in certain bushes. It makes you go totally insane and you begin to hallucinate.

"Brooke, please calm down. You're okay."



"Baelfire are you out there?"

How does she know about Baelfire? He was once a lost boy but he 'escaped'. But that's not important right now.

"It's me, Peter."


I picked her up and carried her to camp. I lied her down on my bed and she just curled up in a ball. She began rocking back and fourth again.

"Felix!" I yelled knowing he was at the treehouse, he for some odd reason did not want to participate in the game.

"Yes Pan."

"Watch Brooke while I'm gone and don't let her escape."

I was getting something so I could wash it off. I walked over to her and I began to wash the poison off her arm. But there was still some poison in her blood most likely. I tried to think of a way to cure her..

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