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Brooke's POV:

I woke up. It was still dark out so I assumed it was early in the morning. Then I realized I was in Peters arms. Again. Only this time he was shirtless. Kill me. And we were in his bed. Double kill me. I slithered away from Peter and quietly made my way toward the door.

"Oh am I really that terrible?" Peter said in a deep raspy voice.

Shit. I slowly turned around. His hair was messy. He was rubbing his eyes. They were a lighter green then normal. He leaned against the headboard and folded his arms across his chest.

"I didn't want to uhh wake you.." I said shrugging my shoulders slightly.

"I wouldn't of minded."

"It's early, like really early." I said pointing to the window.

"Come on, let's just sleep for a little longer." he said lifting the covers inviting me back into his bed.

"I really would prefer going back to my bedroom." I said nervously.

"Come on get back in bed please, the night isn't over yet." he said.

"I'm sorry but no."

"That wasn't a question. The 'please' was me being a gentleman." he said and next thing I know I'm in his bed under the covers.

"What the...?"

"Sleep." he whispered in my ear pulling me toward him.

"Ok." I whispered back and drifted into a deep sleep.

I was in a dark room again. Only this there was a chair in the center of the room but no one sitting in it. I didn't see anyone around. I turned around and nobody was there.


"Hello Brooke." a voice said.

I turned around and saw the person from last time sitting in the chair. He still had the cloak and I could only see his eyes.

"How did you-?"

"I've been here the whole time." he stood up putting his arms out and taking a step toward me.

"But you... Never mind. What do you want?"

"So do you believe me?" he took a step toward me.

"About what?"

"You know." he paused. "About you and Pan loving each other."

"God no!"

"Oh, why?"

"If he loved me he wouldn't of hurt Henry, let Henry and I go, he wouldn't of hurt me or Carson, and he wouldn't keep me away from Carson..."

"Well he did try to 'protect you' from Henry when he thought Henry hurt you and he wanted you to sleep with him. He has never let any other girl that's been to Neverland sleep in his bed with him. He helped heal your wounds, he cared enough to search for you when you'd leave and normally he just lets other people who escape leave and die, he comforted you when you had a bad dream, he protected you from Felix when he attacked you. Shall I continue?" he raised his eyebrows.

"He kidnapped me, trapped me in a cage, stabbed me on multiple occasions, hurt me more times and ways than I can count, made me almost strip for some game, made me freefall and think I was going to die, he nearly killed me multiple times, he's keeping me away from Carson, hurt two people I care about. Shall I continue?" my eyes were watering from anger, sadness, and confusion.

Pan has done so many terrible things to me, yet he has done many great things too. I looked at the ground trying to hold back my tears.

"You are confused. Whether you love him or not. You know he's done some of those things out of jealousy and anger. He has done many terrible things, but think of all the good things he has done. Maybe he has mixed emotions about you or he's trying to make it seem like he doesn't care about you even though he does. Maybe he doesn't want to come off as weak." they took another step toward me.

"Well he isn't even close to the word weak. He's powerful. Intimidating. Terrifying. A demon. Yet, he's comforting. charming. loving. An angel."

"His heart is clouded by darkness. When you're around that darkness goes away. He loves you Brooke, and that love is the key to getting rid of the darkness in his heart." he disappeared.

"Wait! Hello?"

"What is it?" he asked from behind me putting his hands on my shoulder.

I screamed and turned around.

"Did I frighten you?"

"Yes, but anyway how exactly do I do this? Get rid of the darkness?"

"You'll figure it out. I know you can." his voice trailed off.

My eyes shot open and I sat up. I looked around and saw Pan was gone. What the hell was that dream?

"It's about time you woke up."

I looked over toward the door and saw Pan leaning against the door frame smirking. He walked toward me until he was standing next to my side of the bed.

"What time is it?"

"Around 10. Come on, let's go get you some breakfast." he said and took my hand.

'He loves you Brooke...'

We walked out of the room.

"Hey I still need to change." I said looking at him.

"Alright love be downstairs in 5 minutes."

'...and that love is the key to getting rid of his dark heart.'

I went to my closet and changed into a green shirt and brown pants with my boots. Again. I walked downstairs and saw the boys eating at the table. Carson and I made quick eye contact before Pan saw us. There was one seat and it was right next to Carson. I walked toward everyone. I looked at Pan then the seat next to Carson.

"Daniel move over next to Carson." Pan said.

"But why?"

"Because I said so. Now move." Pan said and he unhappily did as he was ordered. "Have a seat Brooke." Pan said and gestured to the empty seat next to him.

I walked over and sat down next to Pan.

"Hope you like eggs." Pan said and I looked at the omelet with bacon and fruit sitting in front of me.

"Yeah, I do. Thanks." I said and began eating.

After we finished we went down to camp. All the boys went off to do whatever they do for Pan. I sat down on a log.

"Hey you okay? You're acting a little weird." Henry asked walking up to me.

"Yeah I'm uhh fine." I said looking at the ground.

"Are you sure? Did something happen last night? Did you have some dream? Or did something happen with you and Pan?"

"Well... uhh maybe both..."

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