Shes gone again

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Peters POV:

Everyone got started on their training. But guess who was missing, again. I walked off to go and find Brooke and left Felix to watch everyone else because he seemed more calm.

Brooke's POV:

I was sitting on a log when I heard footsteps.

"Guys.. Do you hear that?" I asked.

"Yes, I think Pan is looking for you. He must of noticed you were gone." Regina said. "Here, an invisibility spell." she said and casted it.

"Can you see me?" I asked.

"No." Emma said. "Now go hide somewhere!"

I ran and hid behind some bushes and a huge tree and listened to what happened.

"Ahh well, well, well. If it isn't Captain Hook, Snow White, Prince Charming, the evil queen (I assumed Regina)." he paused." And the savior."

"What do you want?" Emma asked brave and confidently.

"There was a girl at my camp. She escaped. Have you seen her?" Pan asked.

"A girl? Seriously?" Regina asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes now tell me where is she?"

"We haven't seen any girl." Hook said. "Girls don't come to this bloody island."

"Well one did. Her name is Brooke." when he said my name it gave me chills.

"That's great but we don't know where your girlfriend is." Regina said.

"You'll regret not telling me where she is. I'll find her, and when I do she will regret trying to escape. And if I find out you have her I will rip Henry's heart out and crush it right in front of you!" I could hear the anger in his voice as he spoke.

"You wouldn't." Regina said with an angry tone.

"Oh but I just might."

There was a silence. I heard footsteps and saw Pan walk past me without even noticing me. I held my breath. He looked in my direction. His eyes were turning dark. He stormed off and I saw him in the distance screaming and punching a tree. I walked a little closer being as quiet as I could.

"I will find you Brooke. I will." he paused and looked down at his bloody knuckles. "No matter what, I will always find you."

It almost sounds like he's in love with me. I heard a dramatic tone in his voice. I walked back to camp quietly and waited until Pan left. I looked around and saw everyone talking or sharpening weapons or something like that. Eventually the spell wore off.

"Hey Brooke." Snow said and hugged me. Everyone else gathered around me.

"Hey, didn't know you guys missed me." I chuckled.

"Yeah, we were afraid Pan would get you." Charming said and smiled at me.

"Brooke, can I talk to you for moment?" Hook asked.

I looked at Hook and nodded. We walked away from everybody.

"Why were you with Pan?" He asked.

"His shadow kidnapped me in the middle of the night and brought me here." I said.

"Pan is a bloody demon. If you go back to his camp be careful. He will not hesitate to hurt you if you betray him."

"How do you know?"

"I worked for Pan years ago. Once I found out about his true nature I escaped, rarely anyone can escape from Pan." he said.

"Yeah I haven't been so successful." I chuckled.

"Well you'll escape one day, I know it." he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I hope."

I heard something, like snapping twigs and crunching leaves.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Hook.

"No. What is it?" he asked.

"I think someone is here."

We looked around and saw no one was there. I must be getting paranoid.

"No one is here. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just a little bit paranoid I guess. You know with Pan and everything." I said

"Yeah." Hook said and we walked back over to the group.

Peters POV:

I walked away from all of them and got really mad. I began to punch a tree and I yelled. Why am I going insane about her?

"I will find you Brooke, I will." I looked down at my bloody knuckles. "No matter what, I will always find you."

I stood there trying to calm myself down.

"I'll find her and I'll teach her a lesson about trying escaping from me." I said and walked away.

I then heard the savior and them talking, but I heard another voice. Brooke's. I went behind some trees and listened. I heard footsteps coming my way. It was Brooke and Hook.

"Why were you with Pan?" Hook asked.

"His shadow kidnapped me in the middle of the night and brought me here." Brooke said.

"Pan is a bloody demon. If you go back to his camp be careful. He will not hesitate to hurt you if you betray him."

"How do you know?"

"I worked for Pan years ago. Once I found out about his true nature I escaped, rarely anyone can escape from Pan." he said.

"Yeah I haven't been so successful." She chuckled.

"Well you'll escape one day, I know it." he said.

"I hope."

That kinda hurt. She really wanted to escape. Was I that terrible? I felt anger building up inside me. I was walking away when Brooke said something.

Did you hear that?" She asked Hook.

I froze in my place.

"No. What is it?" he asked.

"I think someone is here."

I hid behind some brushes as they looked around.

"No one is here. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just a little bit paranoid I guess. You know with Pan and everything." She said.

"Yeah." Hook said and they walked back over to their group.

I then ran off to where the lost boys were training. I walked over to Felix.

"Did you find her?" Felix asked.

"I think I did. I'm going to send a search party. She's with the savior."

"Should we go now?" Felix asked.

"No, let's let her be free for a few more hours. Plus we don't want them to know I was eavesdropping on them." I smirked at the thought of her coming back.

Then I continued to watch the lost boys train.

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