dreams bring confessions

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{Day 2}

Peter's POV:

I walked away from Carson and Brooke and left them alone. Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about them now. I went to my tent. Well it was the only tent in the entire camp and it was huge. I sat down in a chair and threaded my fingers through my hair. I sighed. I leaned my head back on the chair and closed my eyes taking a deep breath. I started drifting off into a sleep.

I was in my room and it was dark. But I could still see because of the moonlight from outside. Then I saw Brooke. She stood in front of my bed smirking.


"Peter." she smiled then climbed in bed and slowly crawled toward me.

I backed up until I hit the headboard.

"Wow.. the roles are reversed." she smirked then leaned in and kissed me.

I was shocked but right away I kissed her back. I leaned more into the kiss causing the kiss to deepen and for her to fall on the bed with me on top and her the bottom. I moved down to her neck and searched for her weak spot. She let out a moan and I smirked on her neck. I attacked that spot with kisses leaving a hickey. I kissed her lips then pulled apart and took off my shirt. She smiled and sat up. Her hand ran up and down my stomach.

"Abs. Nice." she smirked as she stared at my stomach.

"You like what you see?" I smirked.

"oh yeah." she said and looked up at me biting her lip.

I saw lust in her eyes.

"Whisper what you want in my ear." I said.

She came up to my ear slowly.

"You." she whispered, backed up, then bit her lip.

I kissed her and she fell back again with me on top but never breaking the kiss. I slipped my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues explored each other's mouths. Then I moved down to her neck again and found another weak spot.

"Peter." she moaned.

I came up and she was trying to take off her shirt and shorts. So I helped her and she was left in a black lace bra and underwear.

"Damn." I whispered and got off of her and pulled down my pants leaving me in my boxers.

I crawled back in bed and began to leave small kisses on her stomach. I looked up at her and saw her looking at me with lust and desire in her eyes. I came back up and kissed her lips again then her neck once more. Then I went to unclasp her bra when she stopped me. I gave her a look of confusion.

"Pan.. wake up." she whispered in my ear.

"Pan?" I sat up and looked at her.

"Wake up Peter, wake up." she whispered and everything began fading away.

I could hear a voice.

"Pan! Pan! Wake up! Peter!"

I opened my eyes and saw Felix and some other lost boys. I sat up and noticed I was on the ground.

"What the...?"

"Pan are you alright?" Felix asked kneeling down next to me.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine... Is something wrong?" I asked standing up.

"You were on the ground knocked out when I came to give you my normal scouting report, I thought something happened to you." Jack, one of the boys in the room said.

"Oh, no, I'm fine. I just... fell asleep." I said looking at everyone.

"Pan, can we talk. In private?" Felix asked looking at me then the boys in the tent.

"Sure. Uh boys." I looked at them and they walked out leaving Felix and I. "So what's going on Felix?"

"Brooke and Carson are talking. Their punishment is over?"

"Yes. I decided that it was about time they'd be allowed to talk again." I said looking down at the ground.

"Ok, but in your sleep, you were talking."


"Yes. You were..."

"What was I saying? Spit it out."

"You were saying Brooke's name. Repetitively."

Then I started think about the dream. How she actually liked me. in the dream.

"I was?"

"Yes. You were... moaning her name. Almost begging for her."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Did you have a dream about you and Brooke...?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"What? No." I said trying to play it cool. "Why would you think that?"

"You did." he smirked.


"You like her." his smirk turned to a mischievous grin.

"No I don't."

My face felt hot.

"Yes you do. I knew it!" he said pointing his finger at me.

"No I don't."

"Yeah you dooo." he said still grinning.

I looked Felix in the eye.

"I don't like Brooke, Felix. I love her." I said finally and walked out quickly leaving him there standing shocked.

I heard footsteps moving away from the tent quickly. I looked around and saw no one around.

Brooke's POV:

Carson and I were talking for a while but he had to go do something for Peter so I tried to find him. I walked up to Tyler and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey Tyler have you seen Peter?"

"Yeah, he's talking to Felix in his tent."

"Ok thanks." I said and walked away.

Then I saw the tent and overheard them talking. I peaked in through the curtain.

"Did you have a dream about you and Brooke...?" Felix asked.

"What? No. Why would you think that?"

"You did." Felix said smirking.


Peter had a dream about me. What's the big deal?

"You like her." his smirk turned to a mischievous grin.

"No I don't."

Then I saw Peter blushing and it was the most adorable thing ever. Wait what?

"Yes you do. I knew it!" Felix said pointing his finger at Peter.

"No I don't."

"Yeah you dooo." Felix said still grinning.

Peter looked at Felix.

"I don't like Brooke, Felix. I love her." he said quickly and began making his way toward the curtain.

Crap! I quickly ran for it hoping Peter didn't notice I was basically stalking their conversation. I hid behind a tree and saw Peter looking around to see if anyone was around. I casually began to walk back toward the fire and sit down on a log when I saw Peter walking in my general direction. He looked at me then quickly changed direction and headed toward the treehouse. Is he avoiding me because of some silly dream? He actually likes me? I'm extremely shocked, I thought the great Peter Pan could never fall in love. Well not until now...

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