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Brooke's POV:

I woke up and sat up. It's been a while since I last tried to escape. I need a way to get off of this island. I saw there were clothes hanging on the chair near my desk. It was a dark green shirt and high wasted brown jeans with brown boots and a belt.. I put it on and I went downstairs.

I saw Pan leaning against a wall with his arms folded across his chest like he normally does and was looking around.

"Well Pan I like your style." I said walking over to him.

He looked up and I posed showing off my clothes.

He smirked, "Well I can see you like the clothes I gave you."

"Yes I do." I said sitting down. "So what are we going to do today?"

"Training. We need to get you caught up on training."

"Aww come on." I groaned.

"Ok let's go." he said and next thing I know we're in a camp with all the lost boys.

"Alright boys! And girl." he smirked looking at me and I just rolled my eyes. "We're going to training. Just like normal Felix is in charge. Now go." he said then began to talk to me.

"Just follow them and do as Felix says." he said then gave me a little nudge toward the group.

I looked at him.

"You'll be fine I'll be coming back for all of you in a few hours."

I walked off toward the group and I was in the back. We began running somewhere. But no one noticed me so I tried to escape again. I ran on a path and saw a big tree and climbed it.

"Ok I'll stay here for a little while. Until I know the coast is clear." I said to myself.

I was up there for what felt like an hour. I felt something tap me. I turned back and saw nobody. Then I turned back around and saw Pan with a devilish smirk on his face. I screamed and nearly fell out of the tree.

"So you think you can escape?" He asked smirking. "I know what goes on everywhere on my island."

He picked me up and brought me to the ground.

"I thought we weren't escaping anymore." He said putting me down.

"I never said I wouldn't attempt." I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Well people who try to escape get punished." he said with a smirk and teleported us to some other forest area. "And we will deal with that later."

I saw what looked like the lost boys not too far away from us.

We walked over and Felix looked shocked.

"So you let her escape?" Pan said raising his eyebrows.

"I thought she..." Felix was saying and was cut off by Pan.

"I don't want to hear it, just get her started." Pan said and looked at me then back at Felix.

"Yes Pan." he said and Pan disappeared.

"Ok, let's get started." Felix said and put me at a station.

The stations were knife throwing, combat, archery, and sword fighting.

I sucked at pretty much all the stations but the combat one. I would take down all my opponents. After one of the fights Felix walked over as I beat another one of them.

"Wow, not bad for a girl." He snickered and began walking away.

I always hated when people were so sexist because I always had to deal with sexist guys at school. I got pissed off and threw a knife at him and it nearly hit his head going into a tree. Damn I didn't know I could throw knives, I sucked at the knife throwing station. Anyways...

"Seriously?! You fucking sexist dick!!" I yelled.

Everyone made 'ooo' and 'ohhh' sounds. Felix then got mad at me and pushed me against a tree. He held a dagger near my neck.

"You don't yell at me." he said kinda loudly gritting his teeth. "I am over you. You do that again and I'll-"

"You'll what kill me?" I asked in a somewhat cocky tone raising and eyebrow. " I know you wouldn't kill me."

"And why is that?"

"Because Pan would be very disappointed in you. I don't know why but Pan wants me here. He keeps bringing me back here whenever I escape so I must be here for a reason. And if I were dead, well..." I said raising my eyebrows.

"She's right you know. What an intelligent girl we have here." Pan said smirking and leaning against a tree next to us.

Pan looked at Felix and raised his eyebrows giving him a look saying that he knew he shouldn't of done that. He then immediately back up. They stood the looking at each other as if they were telepathically talking to each other.

"Alright that's enough training for today, lets head back to camp." Pan said and everyone gathered and began walking back to camp.

I could hear all the boys talking about the fight Felix and I had.

"Yeah she threw a knife at his head."

"She got lucky, if Pan didn't show up she would've been dead."

"Why does Pan need her?"

"What did she say to Felix?"

"He slammed her against a tree and nearly slit her throat."

Those were a few of the comments I heard. The stupid walk felt like we were walking forever but we really walked for about 15 minutes. Then we finally got to camp.

"Alright everyone you are free to go and do whatever." Pan said.

I began to walk away when I felt someone grab my hand.

"Except you." I heard Pan's voice say behind me.

I turned around and saw him looking at me.

"I need to talk to you." he had a serious look on his face.

"Ok, what is it?" I asked.

"In private." he said and he teleported up into his room of the treehouse.

We sat down on his bed. Holy crap it was so comfortable. I lied down on it.

"Holy crap Pan you've got a nice bed." I said looking at him.

"Thanks. But look I seriously need to talk to you about today." he said.

I sat up and looked at him.

"You need to learn how to control your temper." he said.

"I need to control my temper?! Felix nearly chopped me up with a dagger and made me into sushi!!" I said nearly yelling.

"Yes and you nearly left a knife in his head." Pan scoffed with a smirk at the end.

"Whatever! I'm going to my room." I said rolling my eyes and standing up.

"I warn you though Felix isn't very easy to control, he can really loose it."

"I think I can handle Felix on my own, thank you very much."

"Oh yeah, says the girl who, I quote 'nearly got chopped up with a dagger and made into sushi'." he smirked

"Yeah, yeah shut up Pan." I said walking to the door.

I opened the door and 4 boys fell on to the ground.

"Were you spying on us?" I asked giggling a little because they looked so embarrassed.

"Uhhh..." one said and they quickly ran for it.

I chuckled and so did Pan.

"Bye Pan." I said with a little laugh and walked out of his room and closed the door behind me.

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