swimming at the lake with the boys.

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{Day 5}

Brooke's POV:

I walked into the kitchen with Peter and made us each an omelet since all the boys had already eaten. I set the two plates on the island and grabbed the orange juice. I poured two glasses and gave one to Peter. We sat down at the island and began to eat.

"So the deal.. Is that all.."

"I don't know Peter." I said cutting him off.

"oh. So you love me, but you're still afraid."

I looked up at him and noticed he was looking at me with sad eyes. I said nothing. I looked down at my plate and took a bite to avoid eye contact.

"It's ok. Just take your time. Well less than 5 days would be great." he said chuckling the last part.

I chuckled then smiled as I looked over at him. He was still looking at me. We were silent for a moment.

"Why are staring at me?"

"Because you're beautiful."

"Haha the cheesy 'because you're beautiful' line." I giggled.

"Well, you are." he shrugged then took another bite.

"Yeah, okay." I said sarcastically. "But what are we doing today?"

"Well I was planning on us all going swimming at the lake."

"Okay, when?" I said taking one last bite.

I got up and put away my dishes in the sink.

"In about 30 minutes." he said as he placed his dishes in the sink.

I walked over and lied down across a couch. Peter came up to me and smirked. He sat on my legs.

"Peter! Get off of me!" I laughed trying to pull my legs out from under him.

"Make some room for me next time." he chuckled as he then lied on top of me.

"Peter!" I laughed harder. "You're heavy!"

"Well I did eat your omelet." he smirked.

"Get off!"

"Not without a kiss."

"Umm no."

"Well then we're gonna be here for a while." he chucked.

"You can kiss my ass!" I laughed then get winded as he shifted his weight.


"Oh my god you perv."

Then he rested his head on my chest and sighed.

"I'm waiting." he said, I could tell he was smirking.

"You are so stubborn."

"I am."

"Ok fine just please get off of me." I sighed in defeat.

He got off of me and we both stood up. I took a deep breath.

"I can breathe now." I sighed as I looked up at him.

He smirked. Why was he smirking? He quickly grabbed me and kissed me. After a few seconds he pulled back.

"Alright. Thank you. But if you want more I'll be down at camp." he smirked as he walked away.

"Oh my god." I chuckled as I stood there shaking my head.

I went to my room. There was a green swimsuit and flip flops sitting on my bed. I changed into it and found a T-shirt and shorts to cover up in. I went down to camp to see most of the lost boys waiting.

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