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{Day 4}

Brooke's POV:

I kept running. I ran as fast as I could. Tears were sliding down my face like small streams. I couldn't escape. He'd catch me, he always does. So I ran back to camp and hid in my bathroom. I sat in my shower. I shut my eyes and concentrated. I had on a black swim suit. I didn't want to be naked while sitting in the shower for a while. The water turned on and I sat with my hands tugging at my hair. I took deep shaky breaths as I felt the warm, steamy water rain down on my body. This can't be happening again, it can't. He was changing. He was good, he was kind. His evil side was fading away. But now he's turning into a demon again. Tears streamed down my face, I could tell because they were warmer than the water on my body. I started to cry as I curled into a ball as more water fell upon me. Then I heard a knock. I ignored it and continued to cry.

"Brooke, please open the door."

"Go away Peter! I'm showering!" I yelled.

"Brooke please." he said sounding like he lost all hope. "Please, open the door. I know you aren't showering." his voice was almost a whisper.

I want to but I don't. I'm scared, terrified, afraid. I don't know if I shod care about Peter. I just get through the next 6 days without falling for him and go home. Maybe find Baelfire. But I'd never get to see Felix or Carson again and I truly care about them with all my heart. Or I could try to forgive him. Try to change him. Maybe he's the one. The person who'd stay, who'd care for me. But that means I'd never be able to see my mother again. Same with Baelfire. And I truly love both of them.

Just then the curtain opened and I saw Peter, his eyes red and puffy. He stared down at me with sadness in his eyes. I looked up at him and started to cry. He took off his shoes and climbed in and grabbed me from behind. I continued to cry as I fought a great, big war inside my head.

I hate having emotions. It sucked. I wish that I never fell in love with Peter. And I wish that I never even thought about leaving my life. Then I wouldn't be stuck in this situation.

Peter rested his head on my shoulder as the water fell upon the both of us.

"I'm so sorry Brooke. Please, I can't lose you, not now." he said, his voice raspy from crying.

I didn't say anything, I just cried silently to myself. I tried to stop but couldn't. I was shaking from the nerves, I was also a little cold but I was warming up thanks to the water... and Peter.

"I... I love you Brooke," he said taking a deep breath. "And if I ever lost you, I don't know how I'd be able to go on."

I kept crying until I couldn't cry any longer. I took a shaky breath. I tried to stand up but Peter held me down.

"Peter. You can let go now." I said with a sniffle.

"How can I get you to forgive me?" he asked still resting his head on my shoulder.

"I told you before, Peter." I mumbled.

He let go me. I stood up and walked out of the bathroom with a towel. He followed behind me. I sat on my bed and looked down at the ground.


"Just go." I said and pointed toward the door.

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