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Emma's POV:

I woke up and looked next to me to see that Brooke was gone.

"Guys." I said sitting up freaking out.

Everyone say up.

"What is it Swan?" Hook said in a raspy voice sitting up.

"It's Brooke. She's gone."

"What??" Snow said with shock and fear in her voice. "How?"

"Pan must of gotten her over night." Regina said.

"How could have we not noticed?" David asked.

"Maybe we are just really deep sleepers." Hook said.

"Or he put a sleeping spell on us to make sure we couldn't wake up." Regina shrugged.

"That's possible. We should go look for her." Snow said.

"She's probably long gone with Pan. Plus we have to find Henry." Regina said.

"We can't just let her be trapped with Pan." Snow said.

"I think Regina is right. It's better if we focus on Henry. She's strong and can handle herself. Plus if she's with Pan we'll get her when we get Henry." Hook said.

"Yeah." I agreed with Hook.

Brooke's POV:

My eyes shot wide open and I saw little bits of light. Oh yeah, Pan put me in a cage. And it was swinging around slightly. I looked outside one of the cracks and saw bright light. The sun was straight up above me so I guessed it was around noon. I could see the camp from here. I saw all the boys wandering around doing whatever the hell they normally do. I couldn't see Pan anywhere so I assumed he was in his tent or in their mansion treehouse.

After a while of looking around I began to notice how beautiful Neverland was. It may of looked nice in the movie from years and years ago but in person it's really amazing.

I felt my cage getting lowered down. I put my hands on the sides of the cage and looked down. The cage was on the ground and I saw Pan looking at me with wide eyes and a smirk.

"Having fun?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, it's just dandy up here. Being cramped in a tiny ass box is my idea of a great time." I said sarcastically.

"Well do you want some food?" He asked.

"Yeah, food sounds good." I said as he opened my cage.

He held out a hand but I ignored it and crawled out. I stood up and brushed my pants.

"Alright. Let's go." he said and grabbed my wrist.

He teleported us to the treehouse. There was some soup and crackers with a glass of water.

"Well, sit down. Don't be shy." he said with a smirk gesturing me toward the chair.

This made me not want to sit down but I did anyway. I looked at him and he sat down next to me.

"Well if you won't eat I will." he said and ate some soup.

I grabbed the spoon an took a bite. It was really good, actually the best soup I ever had.

"What did you do to this?" I asked.

"Nothing." he shrugged and continued eating.



I looked at him and shrugged. I continued to eat.

"Wow. That was good." I said.

"Glad you liked it. Now back to your cage." he said with a smirk.

"Great." I said oozing with sarcasm.

He grabbed my wrist and teleported us back to the cages. I climbed in and he locked the door.

"Have fun." he smirked.

"Oh I will, this is the closest to freedom I'll ever get." I said.

"Oh really? Being trapped in a cage is like freedom to you?"

"Yeah, so long as you aren't here." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Ok whatever you say." he scoffed and raised my cage back up.

Peter's POV:

I walked away from Brooke's cage. I started laughing a little. Then my laughter got louder.

"Pan are you alright?" Felix asked me with a concerned look on his face.

"Yes I'm fine." I said still laughing a little.

"What's so funny?"

"Brooke says being trapped in a cage is the closest thing she'll get to freedom." I laughed. "She'd rather be trapped in a cage for hours, possibly days than be near me for a second."

When I said that I got a little upset. She really hates me.

"If you need to talk I'm here." Felix said and walked off.

Ok, I need to go and think. I teleported to my thinking spot and admired Neverland.

Felix's POV:

I walked away from Peter and checked on some of the lost boys. Then I went to Brookes cage. I lowered it and opened it.

"Hello Brooke." I said looking down at her.

She looked up and her eyes widened. She backed up as far as she could in her cage.

"What do you want Felix?" she said with fear in her voice.

"I know how cramped it can get in these cages."

"What do you want?"

"I'm not here to hurt you Brooke. I'm here to talk." I said trying to calm her down.

There was a few seconds of silence.

"About what?"


"What about him?"

"He's going crazy."


"He thinks you totally hate him."

She raised her eyebrows. She looked off into space. I guess she was thinking.

"He kidnapped me, trapped me on an island, and he has tortured me, and nearly killed me yesterday."

Tears were forming in her eyes.

"But I don't hate him." she paused and stepped outside of the cage. "Why don't I hate him?"

"I-I don't know."

"It's like he's an angel when he smiles but then the next second..." she paused. "It's like he's the devil. The look in his eyes. It's almost like they are searching for something to kill." she cried.

She hugged me and cried into my chest. I was shocked. I did horrible things to her and now she is letting out all her emotions out on me, she's telling me everything that she's feeling. I rubbed her back in circles.

"Hey, it's ok. It's ok." I said trying to calm her down.

It seemed to work. A minute later she let go of me and backed up.

"I'm sorry about that." she laughed wiping a tear away.

"It's ok. Listen I want you to be able to trust me. I'm sorry I tried to hurt you that one day. I was so angry. I thought I was going to lose my best friend to you."

"It's fine. I'm just glad you didn't try to kill me."

"So lets start over, I'm Felix."

"And I'm Brooke." she chuckled, wiping away a tear as we shook hands.

"Well I bet Pan is wondering where I am. I'll see you later." I said with a small smile.

"Ok." she smiled and got inside her cage.

I locked the door and raised her up. I walked away and went back near the fire. I sat down and watched the flames.

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