knocked out

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{Day 4}

Brooke's POV:

I walked away from Peter and went down to camp. I decided to explore around camp a little. So I walked around watching boys sword fight, throw knives at targets, and play other random games. I got to where we kept the weapons. I walked over to the swords and looked at the one Peter 'made' for me.

"You wanna sword fight?" I heard someone ask from behind me.

I turned to see Daniel and no one else.

"What is your deal? Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"I just wanna fight, that's all." he said walking toward me.

"Well I don't. Now go away."

"Oh come on Brooke." he grabbed my shoulders.

"No! I said to go away!" I yelled pushing his hands away.

"But I don't want to, until we fight." he smirked.

"You wanna fight? Okay." I said and punched him in the face as hard as I could making him fall to the ground.

He held his jaw and exhaled with a smirk as he slowly stood up.

"Damn, I never knew you were so feisty. I like it." he paused and rubbed his jaw as I glared at him. "There's your new nickname." he smirked.

I saw he was bleeding from one nostril and his cheek was a bright red. I continued to glare at him. I did not want to have to deal with his bullshit today. Then he tackled me to the ground and pinned me down.

"But now it's my turn." he whispered and punched me in the face then grabbed hold of my throat. "You are feisty and I like that in a girl, but that's the only thing I'll ever like about trash like you."

With every word his grip got tighter and he held my throat like that for a while.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" I heard someone yell as a bunch of footsteps came in our direction.

He was pulled up very fast and aggressively by two people and someone came by my side. Things were a little blurry so I couldn't tell what exactly was happening. I knew there were people surrounding us in a big circle but that's it. Someone held me but we stayed on the ground. I saw two people holding back who I assume was Daniel. I heard yelling and screaming. Lots of whispers too.

"Brooke? Brooke?? Can you hear me?" I heard someone ask.

"Yeahh..." I slurred as my eyes were being forced closed.

"Brooke wake up. Wake up!"  the voice began to fade away.

Peter's POV:

After Brooke left I was shocked that she kissed me. Well my cheek at least. I got up and went down to camp to check on the boys and Brooke. I walked around camp for a little while when I noticed Daniel was attacking Brooke.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing??" Ryan yelled, I assumed he noticed too.

A bunch of us ran over. Ryan and Fred held back Daniel and I ran over to Brooke who barely moved. I held her in my arms and looked at her and her neck had a big hand mark on it. She had a cut on her lip and her left cheek was bruised.

"Brooke? Brooke?? Can you hear me?"

"Yeahh..." she slurred as her eyes closed.

"Brooke wake up. Wake up!" I said shaking her a little. "Brooke! Stay with me Brooke!"

Nothing. She was out cold. Then I over heard Ryan and Daniel yelling at each other.

"Come on Ryan what the hell are you doing?? I had her, she was getting what she deserves!" Daniel yelled trying to break free of Fred and Ryan's grasp.

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