kidnapped i think...

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Brooke's POV:

The next morning I woke up in my bed. I sat up and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Good morning Brooke." Pan said sitting next to me.

"Gahh!!" I yelled and fell out of bed.

I looked up and Pan was laughing.

"Ha ha ha very funny." I said standing up and pushing him back on the bed.

"I'm sorry, did I frighten you?" He asked smirking while sitting up.

"Yes." I said raising my eyebrows.

"Come on, let's go." he said.

"Go where?"

"Downstairs for breakfast." he said.

"Umm... I'm in my pajamas." I said.

He snapped his fingers and some clothes appeared in my hands. They were the same ones from yesterday but they were clean.

"Thanks." I said.

"Your welcome." he said and he walked out.

I changed into my clothes and looked outside the big window in my room. It was like the one at home. I sat on the ledge and watched some of the lost boys at the camp. I went to the bathroom to fix my hair. I wet my brush and brushed my hair. I decided to put my hair in a fishtail. I went downstairs and saw Pan sitting at the island in the kitchen. I walked over and sat down.

"Hey Pan."

"Brooke, we have training today."

I wanted to scream. Half terror half anger. I must of had a look on my face because Pan was staring at me with a somewhat sympathetic look.

"Don't worry I'll be there watching until you and Felix begin to get along and he doesn't try to kill you." he said.

"Oh great." I said holding out the 'great'

"Eat so we can go." he said and a bowl of cereal appeared in front of me.

I ate and ran down to camp. I saw a bunch of the lost boys including Felix. Pan was standing next to Felix. Pan looked over at me and smiled slightly. Felix saw and glared daggers into me.

"Alright! Since everyone is here we can get going!" Pan said.

We began heading to where we train. I once again was in the back of the pack. I still wanted to escape so I ran off again. Only this time I ran into someone. I looked up and saw a woman with short black hair, red lipstick, and very evil looking eyes.

"Oh I'm so sorry I ran into you." I said getting up.

The looked at me and all the sudden I couldn't breathe. I was being lifted into the air.

"What the-" I barely could say.

"Where the hell is my son??" She said looking angrily into my eyes.

"I don't know-" I coughed. "what you're talking about."

"Henry!! Where is he???"

I then saw a bunch of other people run over.

"REGINA!" another short black haired woman yelled hugging a man and cried.

"Shut up Snow! This is Pans little girlfriend! She can tell us where Henry is." she said gritting her teeth and her eyes watering.

"I don't-" I coughed again. "know who Henry is."

"She doesn't know! Please Regina drop her." a blonde women said running up behind her.

"Emma she is lying. See if she's lying." she said to the blonde haired women them brought her attention back to me. "Where is Henry??"

"I told you-" deep breath "I don't know who Henry is."

"She isn't lying." Emma said and looked at Regina.

They made eye contact for a while and she dropped me. I took in a deep breath and began to cough.

"What the hell???" I said still trying to breathe.

Snow and all the others ran up to me.

"Are you alright?" The guy who was hugging snow asked.

"Yeah." I said and stood up.

"Well I'm David also known as Charming, this is Snow, Emma, Regina, and Hook." Charming said.

Yes I'm calling him Charming because he is Charming.

"Nice to meet you all. But who's Henry?" I asked.

"Henry is my son." Regina said.

"Our son." Emma said glaring at Regina. "He was kidnapped by Pan."

"Pan?" I asked.

"Yes, do you know where Pan is?"

"I don't know." I said shrugging.

Emma looked at me.

"She's lying."

What the hell?? How does she know?

Regina was about to kill me with a fireball when Snow and Charming stopped her.

"Please we need to get our son back. Can you tell us where Pan is?" Emma asked.

"I don't know how to get to his camp from here and I don't want to have to go back there." I said getting chills just thinking about it.

"I know how to get answers." Regina said getting out of Charming and Snows grasp and shoving her hand in my chest. She then ripped out my heart and it began to glow.

"What the hell did you do to me??" I asked freaking out.

"You're under my control." she said evilly.

"Tell us where Pan is." she said to my heart.

"He's training with the lost boys near by and will come back in a few hours." I said uncontrollably. "What the??"

Regina smirked.

"Regina that's enough we have our answers now put her heart back in her body!" Charming yelled.

"Please Regina." Snow said.

"Fine." she said rolling her eyes and shoved it back in.

I took a deep breath.

"Let's just set up camp here and wait for Pan." Hook said.

"Should we let the girl go?" Emma asked.

"No. I have an idea." Regina said.

"What in the bloody hell is it? She is of no use to us." Hook said poking me in the chest with his hook. But I now totally understand his name.

"But she is, we could trade her for Henry." Regina said.

"But what if he doesn't want her?" Emma asked.

"I heard that she's escaped a few times and she's been retrieved by Pan, if he didn't care he'd just let her die out here. And she is also needed for something but only he and his little bitch know what." Regina said and looked at me. "And if he doesn't take her she can fight with us."

What?? Umm I didn't sign up for this. No, no, no.

"Fine." Emma said.

"Uhh where do I get a say in this?" I asked a little angrily.

"Listen. We aren't going to hurt you. We just want Henry back. I can't let my son be killed by Pan." Emma said.

"Killed?" I asked like an idiot.

"Yes, Pan is dying. He needs Henry's heart so he can be immortal. And then Henry will be killed." Emma said.

"What?? We have to save your son from Pan." I said worried.

"Wait aren't you aren't Pans girlfriend? Don't you want Pan to take Henry's heart?" Regina asked.

"God no!" I practically yelled. "He is a monster and needs to be stopped."

"Ok, so let's get ready to trade." Emma said.

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