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Peter's POV:

I was in my thinking spot looking out at Neverland when I heard a scream of some sort. I got up and ran into the forest. I saw Felix above someone I couldn't tell who. I got closer and saw it was Brooke. I got really pissed off and ran up to Felix and pushed him up against a tree.

"Felix! What the hell?? Why were you just trying to hurt Brooke." I yelled at him getting really mad.

All the lost boys showed up and were shocked at what they were seeing.

"She started it. She just started randomly punching and kicking me when I was trying to be nice and go on a walk with her."

"That's a lie." Louis said stepping forward. "I saw him begin to punch her and kick her. He said that he came to get back at her for embarrassing him in front of everybody."

Felix looked over at him angrily flaring his nostrils.

"Why would you lie to me Felix?? I thought you were better then this." I said getting really angry.

"She's just a girl, why do you care about her so much?!" Felix said pushing me back.

"You know exactly why." I said looking at him angrily.

He returned the same look.

"She's a part of the plan." I whispered gritting my teeth.

Carson came and picked her up to move her out of the way, he thought we were going to get into a fight. Well he was right. Felix threw a punch at me and missed. I then punched him in the face and tackled him to the ground. I sat on him and continuously punched him in the face. He then pushed me off of him and he punched me in the face.

Brookes POV:

My eyes fluttered open and I noticed I was in someone's arms. I looked up and saw a boy with dirty blonde hair and bluish-greenish eyes.

"Hey Brooke you're awake, are you ok?" he asked.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Felix tried to hurt you. Like really bad."

"Again?" I asked, "Wait what's going on?"

I looked around and saw Pan and Felix fighting.

"Oh my gosh! I have to go help Pan." I said and tried to get down but he kept holding on to me.

"Pan told us to make sure you didn't get involved anymore." he said holding on to me.

"But I have to help him!" I yelled and squirmed.

I saw them fighting but I couldn't tell who was winning. I eventually got free and ran up to them.

Peter's POV:

I was still fighting Felix. I saw Brooke running over here. Damn it all they had to do was keep here over there.

"Stop! "she yelled trying to break us up.

"Brooke! Go back over there with everyone else! I don't want you getting hurt!" I said as I fought Felix.

"No Pan I'm not going to let you get hurt in a fight for me." She said. "I'm not worth it."

"Yes you are Brooke!" I said getting really angry that she said that about herself and punched Felix so hard that it knocked him out cold.

I looked at her and saw all the bruises and cuts on her face.

"I am so sorry about Felix." I said giving her a sympathetic look.

"It's ok Pan, it's not your fault he's so hot headed." I chuckled.

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