a place

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Peter's POV:

I gathered all of the lost boys so I could tell them about Brooke staying here.

"Everyone, I have an important announcement to make. We have someone new staying with us for a while. Her name is Brooke and I expect you to treat her with the amount of respect you would give me. But make sure she doesn't escape either."

"A girl? Here?? Why?" Daniel, one of the lost boys asked.

"I found her earlier today and well, she had no other place to go. Now you can go back to what you were doing before." I said and they did as I told.

*a few hours later

Brooke's POV:

I woke up and looked around. I expected to wake up in my room. But no, I wasn't in my room. I was in a nice room but it wasn't mine.

"Ahh you're awake." I heard a voice say.

I sat up and saw Pan leaning on the door frame with his arms folded across his chest with a smirk.

"Where am I?" I asked sitting up.


"Right, cause you dragged me here giving me no choice." I chuckled rolling my eyes.

"Hey I carried you. If I dragged you it would of taken a lot longer to get here." he smirked.

"Ok, whatever."

"So let's go downstairs and get something for dinner, then there is a place I want to show you." he said.

"Uhh.. Okay." I said and walked downstairs with him.

"Wait so is this like some house in the middle of a forest?" I asked as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Well this is a tree house.." he said with a smirk.

"Yeah one nice tree house." I said under my breath when I was handed a plate with a really good looking sandwich and fries.

After we finished he teleported us down to the camp ground.

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked looking at him with my arms folded.

"A place."

"A place?"


"And where exactly is this place?"

"Don't worry it's not far." he said.

"Oh that's not what I'm worried about." I chuckled.

"I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Oh sure, and the sky isn't blue."

"Just trust me."

I rolled my eyes, "Ok then."

Then we walked through some trees and then I saw the most beautiful night sky in my entire life. I could see the gigantic glowing moon and all the twinkling stars. The moon shined a light down that made everything look so beautiful.

"Oh my goodness."

"Yup, it's one of my favorite places on the island. I come here sometimes so I can think." he said sitting down on a big rock.

"Yeah, it's beautiful."

We sat there for a while just staring out at the sky.

"Ok, we should get back to camp." He said.

"But I want to stay just a little longer." I said standing infront of him.

"But we should get back to camp." he said, I looked up at his beautiful green eyes.

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