baelfire meets 'the gang'

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Baelfires POV:

I was running through the woods. Trying to find a way to escape, I honestly have no idea how I got back here in Neverland but I have to find a way to escape. I was running until I was knocked to the ground. I looked up and saw a women with straight blonde hair, she seemed very strong based on her toned arms. She turned around and looked down at me.

"Hey! It's a lost boy." she said and grabbed me by my shirt collar.

She pulled me up and slammed me against a tree. A bunch of other people surrounded us. One women looked pretty angry while another looked very sincere and warmhearted. A man stood next to her and had his arm around her. Then there was Captain Hook.

"Where's Henry?" the angry women asked taking a step forward.

"Henry? I don't know of anyone named Henry." I said looking at the blonde lady.

"Oh, maybe this will help." the mean lady said and made a fireball appear in her hand.

"Regina! That isn't going to motivate him!" the kind lady shouted.

"Well do you have any other ideas Snow?"

"Snow? That's a beautiful name." I said with a small smile.

"Aww thank you." she responded with a grin.

"I'm sorry but if you would like to go have social hour after we find Henry, then you can." Regina said angrily.

"Regina you need to calm down." The man said.

"I will calm down when we find Henry." Regina said to him.

"I'm sorry but who's Henry and what is going on?" I asked interrupting their fight.

The blonde lady put me down.

"Henry is my son. Well Regina and I's son. She is his adoptive mother and I'm his birth mother. I'm Emma, that's David, Snow, Regina, and Hook." she said pointing to each of them. "But Henry was taken by people who work for Pan and we're trying to get him back. He-"

"He's going to steal Henry's heart and keep it for himself so he can live, Henry will die in the process." Regina said interrupting Emma.

"Oh that's terrible." I said.

"Yes, so do you have any information on where Pan is right now?" Snow asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry but no, I'm not a lost boy." they then looked sad. "I could try to help you get Henry back." I offered.

"That would be great. Come on, let's go set up camp." Emma said and guided me towards their campsite.

Regina rolled her eyes and scoffed as we walked over.

"So what is your name?" Snow asked.

"My name is Baelfire."

"Oh well it's very nice to meet you Baelfire." Snow smiled.

I then helped them go and set up camp. I was able to talk to all of them and I got to get to know them a little bit, well except for Regina. It seems like she has something against me but I don't know what. David did tell me that Regina normally acted like this though. We relaxed for a while and waited until it was nightfall.

"Good night Baelfire." David said lying down next to me.

"Good night David." I responded.

I looked up at the stars. I got bored and started forming constellations and counting them. Eventually I fell asleep.


sorry this is so short...

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