The echo caves

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Brooke's POV:

I saw Peter walk up to Henry. Then Henry was slowly rising up kicking his feet around holding his throat.

I got up and ran down to camp.

"Why was she crying?? What did you say to her??"

"Peter! Put him down!" I yelled and he looked over at me.

He held his gaze on me and dropped Henry. He began coughing and took deep breaths. I ran over to him quickly and kneeled my his side.

"Are you ok Henry??" I asked helping him up.

"Yeah, I'm ok. It's ok." he said though breaths.

"Good now I need to talk to Peter alone." I said and he just smiled weakly and nodded.

He walked away and I walked up to Peter so I faced him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?? Why did you do that to Henry???" I yelled at Peter.

"I was protecting you."

"Protecting me?? From what?!"

"He made you cry!"

"I got emotional over something with my family! He never did anything wrong! You know how I can get emotional sometimes!"

"I'm sorry I was only trying to protect you, I thought he hurt you!"

"Peter I like you. And then I hate you. And then I like you again. I don't know how I am supposed to feel about you! One minute you're perfect, amazing, and kind. I'm almost in love with you." I paused and saw sadness in his eyes. "Then you turn dark and evil. You hurt and kill Peter, and that terrifies me. I am always afraid you're going to hurt me."

One tear slipped and another followed right behind it.

"But I-"

"Just stay away from me Peter." I said and walked away.

I tried to find Henry and found him in the treehouse. Nobody was there but us. They were all down at camp.

"Henry. We're leaving."

"We are?"

"Yes. We're going to find your family so you can escape."

"You mean so we can escape?" He asked.

"No. I don't want to put you or your family in danger." I said as I packed a backpack.

"But you can't just stay on the island, and Pan... he'll hurt you again."

"It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." I said as I put the backpack on. "Come on, let's go."

We walked out to camp and snuck out. We began to walk around to see if we could find Henry's family. I was hopelessly lost but we heard Regina yelling at everyone about how just lying around would never get them any closer to Henry and I. We walked over slowly.

"Mom?" Henry said looking at Emma and Regina.

"Henry!!" They said and hugged Henry.

"And Brooke!" Snow said and hugged me.

"Brooke, thank you." Emma said giving me a hug.

"No problem." I said smiling.

Then everyone else hugged me and Henry.

"Ok so we can start walking back to the Jolly Rodger and be there in a couple hours." Hook said.

"What about Rumple?" Snow asked.

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