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Peters POV:

I shot a glare at Felix.

"What the hell did you do?" I asked gritting my teeth.

"I-I" he stuttered.

I ran off to go and find Brooke. I looked at the ground and saw footprints. I followed them and they lead me to the beach. I walked onto the beach and saw Brooke sitting on a rock. She was curled up into a ball crying.

"Brooke? Is everything alright?" I asked walking up to her.

She looked up and as she saw me she quickly wiped away her tears.

"I umm uhh... Yeah I'm ok." she said wiping away one last tear.

"Are you sure? You ran off rather quickly."

"yeah." she pauses and sniffles. "I'm fine."

"What happened with you and Felix?" I asked putting my arm around her.

"We were just talking."

"About what?"

"The island."

"What about the island."

"About I'm here and stuff."

"Ok... Anything else?"

"Well he asked me why I wanted to leave so badly." She looked off into the distance."I said because I miss my friend. And-"

"And what? You can tell me."

"And I said that I was afraid."

"of what?"

"Pain, misery, and despair. No matter where I am I feel pain, misery, and despair." she paused. "But I didn't tell him what else I'm afraid of."

"What is it love?" I rubbed her back.

"I'm afraid of letting people in, making myself vulnerable. Basically loving people. Once they are in my heart they destroy me from the inside out." she said rubbing her arm, a tear fell and landed on her hand.

"I'm so sorry."

"I just don't want to be hurt. I want the pain to just go away."

"Hey, wanna make a deal?" I said kind of changing the subject.

"What kind of deal?"

"Well if you give me seven days, starting tomorrow, and you fall in love with me and your fear of letting people in is gone you stay here on the island forever. But if you don't fall in love with me and you still have your fear of letting people in then you can leave the island. Do we have a deal?"

She looked at me and hesitated.

"Umm.. Deal." she said.

Brooke's POV:

We shook hands then sat there for a while looked at the sky. Nightfall came and the stars twinkled, I was trying to find some of the constellations I knew of. Peter tapped my shoulder.

"Hey Brooke, look over there." he said pointing to an area of the night sky.

I saw a bunch of stars that formed a heart. I looked at him and he had a smile on his beautiful face.

"You know, sometimes I'd try to count all the stars I could see but I'd end up just putting myself to sleep." I said looking back up at the stars.

"ok, then let's count every star in the sky."

We counted and counted. Sometimes we'd loose count and have to start over. I was lying on Peters lap when I began to fall into a deep sleep.

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