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Peter's POV:

I was sitting in the treehouse when Felix ran up to me. He seemed panicked.

"Peter. Someone got Henry." he said as he reached me.

"What? How?" I looked at the floor then up at him.

"I think it was Rumplestilskin, the people who guard the camp boarders were knocked out by a spell."

"Do you have an idea of where they are?"

"There are footprints, we can follow them to where they went."

"Alright, lets go."

We went down to camp and I got some of the boys. Then I saw Luke.

"Luke!" I called to him.

He looked up and walked over quickly.

"Yes Pan?"

"I want you to watch Brooke until I come back, we can't have her following us."

"Alright." he said and walked away.

"And if she asks what were doing," he turned and looked at me. "then lie."

"Ok." he said and went toward the treehouse.

"Come on boys!" I yelled and we went to go find Rumplestilskin.

Brookes POV:

I was in my room lying down on my bed. I had all the windows closed and I looked up at 'the night sky' also known as my ceiling when I heard a commotion outside. I opened the window and saw Peter with some of the lost boys. He was currently talking to Luke. Then Luke walked away.

"Come on boys!" Peter yelled and they ran off.

I got off of my bed and ran down the stairs. Then I saw Luke.

"Hey Brooke."

"Hey... What's going on? Where are Peter and the other boys going?"

"Well only a few of them are going and they have something to do."

"What is it?"

"Someone escaped and they have to find them."

"Oh, wanna come up to my room with me?" I asked gesturing toward the stairs.

"Sure, ladies first." he said allowing me to go in front of him.

We walked up to my room. He sat down on my bed and looked around.

"Luke, check this out." I said turning off the lights and closing the blinds.

Then little dots started twinkling up on the ceiling as if we were looking up at the night sky.

"Whoa, that's amazing." Luke said in awe gazing at the 'stars'.

"Yeah, I know."

"How did you-?"

"Magic." I smirked.

We lied down and continued to look up at my ceiling.

Peter's POV:

Me and the boys were following the footprints until I heard footsteps. I told the boys to be silent. They surrounded the area but stayed hidden. I looked through the trees and saw a boy with Henry but he was asleep. Henry must of been affected too. I gave the boys the signal and they surrounded him. I saw it was Baelfire. I walked in and tsked at him.

"Oh Baelfire long time no see, but I thought I taught you better. Never break in somewhere unless you know the way out."

Felix picked up Henry and threw him over his shoulder.

"I'll remember that for next time." Baelfire said.

"Oh there won't be a next time." I scoffed.

"I will get Henry back for them."

"Sure you will," I said sarcastically then got a little serious. I was having fun with this. "but you see, you had him, I got him back. It's the game. But that's not the problem, no one gets off this island without my permission, nobody."

"I did."

"Really, well look at where you are right now. It's like you never left." I smirked.

"You let me escape," he paused. "Just so your damn shadow could bring me back!"

"Oh but my shadow brings those who are lost. Are you still lost?"

He just glared at me.

"Oh and you're working together with the dark one?"

"Yes, well we were. We crossed paths when I was wondering around the jungle."

"Well I'm not so sure that was the best choice of a partner in crime Baelfire."

He glared at me again causing me to smirk. Then Henry groaned and sounded like he was waking up.

"You know where to take him." and some of the lost boys dragged Baelfire off. He called for Henry trying to wake him up but failed.

"You see I'm resetting the game. It's all about to change." I said to him and then walked away.

I walked back to camp with Felix and the boys. We put Baelfire in a cage and hid him in a special part of the island. Then I went to search for Brooke and Luke. I didn't find them down at camp so I went to the treehouse. I walked up to Brooke's room and knocked on the door quietly. No response. I opened the door to see her and Luke fast asleep on her bed. I looked up at the stars on her ceiling. It was quite beautiful. I can see some of the constellations. Little Dipper, Big Dipper, Leo, Capricorn. I decided I should wake Luke up since we were back. I shook him a little. His eyes fluttered open.

"Hey Luke, how'd it go?" I whispered.

"It was good. She's really great you know. She kind, caring, funny, and quite smart." he said standing up.

"Yeah, I know. But you can go now since were back."

"Alright, I'll see you around Pan." he said and walked out.

I closed the door after he left and looked up at the stars. How did she do this? It's amazing. Wait, magic. I told her about magic. I lied down next to her. I looked over and she looked beautiful. Then she rolled over and her arm was wrapped around my body. She cuddled up against me and smiled. I'm guessing she was having a nice dream. I couldn't stop staring at her. She just looked so beautiful, even when she slept. She looked a little cold so I pulled her close to my body and tried to keep her warm. She took a deep breath and rested her head against my chest. Then I eventually started to fall asleep.

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